9. puzzled

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It was not just the another day for her. She have alot on her plate. She never in her life get treated like that before. It was the first time somebody question her character. She need to talk to someone.

In those all months of their marriage it was the first time she saw his anger. Which was directed towards her. She only heard about his anger before. That how can he change into a different person when he is angry she never believed anyone. But know she knows. And it isn't  a lie that she doesn't fear him now.

Whom should he talk. Someone whome she is comfortable with sharing this. That someone is her brother, her bestfried , her anchor in every situation. Be in her life on in exams.

But as much as she know her brother he will first beat her husband before doing anything. And she definitely don't want that. She want to teach her husband a lesson. But not with incomplete information. He was mentioning  someone. He was repeatedly saying like her.

And she is hell bent on knowing everything. About her whom he loved. He confessed his feelings but she doesn't want to have her hopes high after all the her accusations he threw at her. Before making any assumptions. Needs to know everything and only one person can help her. Zyan. He should be knowing everything about his brothers past. She needs to speak to him. She will talk to him at his college tomorrow.

When she unlocked her phone to call his brother in law there was several missed calls and messages from his husbands number.

She doesn't want to fall soft on him so she ignored everything and leave a text to Zyan saying

"I want to meet you to talk about something important and don't tell your brother about it"
"Okay. When"? came his reply after few minutes.
"Tomorrow at lunch time at your office. If it's fine with you".sent
"Are you okay Niya".he was concerned after all she is his best friend. They didn't talk when he come to drop her at her home. He knew she isn't in the state to talk.  And by the looks of it what happened was something big.
"I'll be fine" by saying that she shut her phone again. And went downstairs to help her bhabhi  preparing  lunch to distract herself from over thinking about the situation.

After having lunch with her mother and bhabhi she retired to her room. She can't bear her mother's questioning gaze. The men of the house are at work. So doesn't have to worry about them.

It was half an hour later when her mother  inform her about the arrival of her husband.
"He is waiting for you in the living area".

"I don't want to meet him ammi ask him to leave". She said desperately.  She isn't ready to meet him. What if he accuse her of something in front of her mother. She won't be able to bear it. She want him to leave. She doesn't want to see him before she clear few things out.

"I don't understand what happened between you to. But talk it out with him. He is here to meet you how can u ask him to just leave."

"Do whatever you need to do just ask him to leave I an not in the state to meet him please" she pleaded guilty to push her mother in this situation. But what can she do.
Her mother left to the living room. By the look on her face he understood she refused to meet him. What can he do. He can't just force her to meet him after what he did.

She isn't replying nor receiving his call. He didn't expect anything else from her. But he will win her heart. He know how important she is for him. He can't think of  a life without her. And he will try his best. He will beg her if it's needed which he is sure about .

He isn't some coward nor he is an egoistic jerk  to not accepting his mistakes.
He know she deserves better. He he is ready to become best for her because letting her go isn't an option.

He will do everything correctly from the start. He wants to tell her how much he regrets his action. And he will prove it to her.

He drove away to his house. He know only one person can help him in this. His brother but he will be needing to tell him everything from the start. So he can understand him better. He is going to do just that doesn't matter what will his brother will think of him. Nothing matters more than his wife to forgive him.

After reaching home he directly went to his brothers room.
"I need to speak to you about what happened" he spoke to his brother.
"And what exactly happened bhai that she left" Zyan spat accusingly. He was angry. He knew Haniya isn't at fault for whatever happened. It's must be all his brother's fault. He know her enough.
"I will tell you everything believe me Zay just help me to get her back she is so angry at me that she isn't even picking up my phone".he said desperately.
"Tell me everything then I will think about what can we do".
And he did he told his brother everything. About diya, his past and every single thing he make her go through because of his insecurities and fear. Fear of loosing her.
He was crying in the end of his words."I love her. I do. Belive me Zay. I can't live without her. I know what I did was wrong. I'll beg for her forgiveness. Just ask her to meet me once.  I went to her parents home. She didn't came out of her room. She isn't even picking up my calls.
I promise I won't hurt her ever again. I'll do everything for her forgiveness. Just just do something. Help me meet her. I am sure she will listen to you. Just do something please".
It was all too much for Zyan. He know what his brother did in his impulsiveness was wrong. But he never saw his brother so helpless. Like he is some lost child and doesn't know his way to home. He wants to help his brother he do but how can he. He needs to do something. He never knew the reason behind the change in his brother's behavior. He though it's his responsibilities and maturity that changed his behavior. This is all to much for him to take in.he need to think of something. First he asked his brother to calm down and promised to help him.
"Calm down bhai. Calm down. I will help you".
"You will". He asked hopefully.
"Of course I will after all you are my big brother. Now you come to my door. How can I let you leave empty handed".he said dramatically to lift his brothers mood.
It worked a little and his brother hug him tightly saying thank you.
"Eww leave me bhai and stop ruining my shirt with your tears and snort".for which his brother puch him lightly in His stomach.

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