[ 019 ] you're the star i look for every night

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— ❝ as bloody cheesy as it sounds,we're all in this together

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❝ as bloody cheesy as it sounds,
we're all in this together. ❞

NEWT, MINHO, ALBY, AND THEO rushed to the Homestead to see the girl. Thomas stayed behind, giving no explanation as to why. Theo was excited to finally speak to her hoping she would remember at least something.

But she didn't.

At least she wouldn't tell the boys anything. Though Theo could tell she was hiding something.

When Teresa first woke up she told them her name— which Theo already knew. She answered the questions she was asked, the majority of her answers being, "I don't remember."

However, she didn't fail to mention the fact that she triggered the Ending.

"Are you sure you feel okay?" Theo asked, staring at the girl with worry. He had been the one to be by her side the first few days, trying to keep her alive with the limited amount of resources they had in the Glade.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Teresa nodded. "I think... I think I just need some air."

Theo took a step closer. "You should probably stay here for a little while longer. You just woke up from a days-long coma."

Teresa swiftly stood up from the bed, she stood sturdily as if it was her way of showing there was nothing wrong. "I'm fine." She said, her tone harsher than Theo expected.

Sighing, Theo stepped aside to give her access to the door. Teresa didn't hesitate once and quickly made her way out of the room like she had something important to attend to. Theo guessed there was a certain someone she needed to go find.

"You're just gonna let her go?" Minho asked after the door was closed behind the girl.

Theo shrugged. "Yeah, man. She looked like she was ready to kick me in the balls if I didn't move."

Minho said nothing else as he reopened the door and followed behind Teresa with Alby trailing beside him, leaving Newt and Theo alone in the room.

Theo took a seat down on the bed and anxiously ran a hand through his hair. Newt stared at him for a moment before deciding to take a seat next to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just—" Theo let out a breath. "How can you deal with all the not knowing? Not having any significant memories?" His eyes stayed rested on his hands that fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

He heard Newt quietly sigh beside him. "It's hard. Most of us have accepted it by now. Plus we've made new memories. As bloody cheesy as it sounds, we're all in it together."

𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, newt tmrWhere stories live. Discover now