Chapter Three - Harden My Heart

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|| The dramatic fall into the handsome man's arms

After we rested a bit, we picked up Ashana and drove to the shopping center near by. It was quite fun and on the drive there we all vibed to my music - mostly because I insisted on it. Michael Jackson - Chicago, Blondie - Call me, a-ha - Take on me, Bon Jovi - Lost Highway, Journey - Don't stop belivin', Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Whitesnake - Here I Go Again, The Police - Every Breath You Take, Queen - Killer Queen, KISS - Reason To Live and last but not least, Harden my Heart by Quaterflash. That was my number one song at the moment. (Ik those are like super basic songs)

The shopping center was breathtaking big and decorated admirable. The walls were mainly white and from the ceiling in the center was hanging a magnificent chandelier in white and silver. Ash and I were already here one time in the past but for Louna it was completely new, which meant in other words: She couldn't shut up about how beautiful it was here, just like Ashana and I did.

Going shopping wasn't really my thing to do in my free time but with my friends I was actually enjoying it. A bit. Ash, Lou and I ran from store to store but we just couldn't find anything that I liked. Everything I tried on simply wasn't made for me. I didn't want to look like a basic straight guy in jeans and a nike shirt.

My friends spent a lot of their energy in convincing me to wear something more modern and nothing that "boring" to which I only agreed because the dress code was telling us to wear black. After three full hours of searching, to the point where I was extremely exhausted, we finally found something. It was simple, hot and gay, exactly what I was going for.

 It was simple, hot and gay, exactly what I was going for

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The Top

The bottoms

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The bottoms

I decided to wear lot of silver accessories and chains to not look too boring in that outfit. Ashana and Louna actually found some perfect clothes in the first hour, unlike me but unfortunately I wasn't allowed to see their outfits yet.

Louna's fit

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Louna's fit

Ashana's fit

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Ashana's fit

We drove home again in my Oldtimer, went in our own apartments - Lou obviously came with me - and washed our new clothes. Meanwhile we decided to rewatch the first episode of Star wars. That was our thing. Every time Lou came to visit me, we watched Star wars and never got sick of it.

The party started at 11 pm, so we left our apartments at 10:30 pm, after our clothes were completely dried and our makeups all done. I actually kind of felt underdressed, as soon as I saw how they rocked their fits and make up but as soon as they saw my outfit, accessories and make up all finished up, they told me I looked hot, what really relieved me and with that we drove to the location. As soon as we got there, we noticed there were tons of people in line, waiting for the security to finally open up and let them enter. At the first sight I had to swallow real hard. I wasn't quite sure what I had expected but this certainly did not fit my imaginations. I didn't even consider so many different people were coming but with outfits like ours, we surely wouldn't have gone to a tiny birthday party down the road. Now, that I looked at it that way, I kinda felt stupid.

After we parked the car nearby, I took a deep breath, convincing myself that it's going to be great, afterwards I got out of my comfort zone and into the crowd. Everyone was laughing and truly excited. Voices were raised to cover up the loud talking around. In the first few minutes I wasn't completely sure if I was able to enjoy this night out, but eventually I didn't overthink much anymore. When the guards finally let us in and we drank our first drink, - the alcohol did what it always does, losen my tongue - I soon didn't overthink anything anymore but simply decided to happily dance to the extremely loud music, which wasn't my type at all but at that moment, I didn't care what was playing.

After a while, I suddenly felt the strong urge to go outside. Without telling my friends where I'm headed to, I went out into the dark cold night and sat down on a stone stair in front of the building to catch some fresh air. With my boiling face in my hands, I just sat there, trying to cool down a bit. Everything was spinning but neither in a good, nor in a bad way. It was quite fun but on the other hand it made me feel dizzy as well. As I wanted to get inside again, hoping my friends hadn't noticed I was gone and much more importantly hoping they weren't worriedly searching for me, I bumped directly into someone.

"Fuck, sorry... I didn't mean t-", I started stuttering drunk, while nervously looking down to the floor. He didn't seem like he was partying here, since he wore a fashionable black suit.

"Are you alright?" he interrupted me a bit worried and ignored my apology. The nice man helped me stand up straight again and with that I finally was brave enough to look into his face. His facial features were sharp, angular and characterized by a light beard. His eyes were gorgeously brown - which I always thought were kinda boring in the past but that changed tonight - and his expression softened as he glanced down at me and saw I was fine. I couldn't help but notice that he smelled like literal heaven, meanwhile I probably smelled like alcohol, cigarettes and sweat mixed with a touch of my perfume. The man looked like he was in his early 40s and also looked familiar but I couldn't think of where I could have possibly met him before. We probably just walked past each other on the streets sometime. But I'm sure I would have remembered those mesmerising eyes. They quite literally made me pass out. The next and also last thing that I could remember, was my shaking legs collapsing and two strong arms preventing me from falling unpleasantly to the cold, hard ground. I would do that more often, just to fall right into the arms of an extraordinarily fine man to be honest.

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