Chapter Twelve - Always

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|| I really didn't want to write this chapter, but here we are

When Ashana was there, I got in the car and broke down in tears, even though I tried very hard to suppress them. She didn't ask what's wrong, but she wouldn't have received an answer if she had done it anyway. Ash just drove in silence and even brought me into my bed.

When I woke up the next morning, my head hurt, but I couldn't place, whether it was because of the alcohol or because I had cried more than ever. Maybe some of both. I sat up, but when I remembered what had happened yesterday, a sharp pain spread through my chest and I laid down again. I used a pillow to cover my face, hoping I wouldn't hear my thoughts anymore. Everything inside of me told me I did the wrong thing.

I got out of my bed with a lot of effort, got my books, some water and chuck down some painkillers - Louna was as expected still asleep - and locked myself in my complete dark bedroom. Just the little light on my desk was switched on, so I could read, but after I read only ten pages, I noticed that I didn't pay any attention to what I was reading. With a loud sight I dropped it on my bed and tried to sleep again. This seemed to be the only way to shut down my mind.

I woke up to my phone ringing. The first time I somehow wished it was David, but when I saw it was Ash, I ignored it. The second time she tried to call me, I muted my phone. Short after, someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"Go away," I shouted as loud as I could, but in the end it was just as loud that the person behind the door could hear it.

"Evan. Come out of there, please," a voice, I was able to assign to Louna, said. "Tell us what happened. We're concerned about you!"

"No, leave me alone... please," I responded.

"Did David do something wrong. I swear if he did I will-"

"No he didn't," I interrupted Ash.

"Then what happened? We can't read your thoughts, you know?"

"Nothing! Now, please leave me alone!"

"Fine. We're here if you need us," Louna said and with that they went away.

The sleeping method didn't really work. I was even more exhausted than before, so I just started listening to music, but neither Michael Jackson, nor Queen were able to change my mood, so I tried it with another playlist. The first few songs were nice, until it played Always by Bon Jovi and I literally wanted to throw my phone out of my window. Lou must have felt like this as well, after what Marie did and I left her alone. I didn't support her in any way. I was too busy with my own stupid problems.

It was already 3 pm, when I decided to get out of my bed. I needed to take better care of Louna, but first I needed to take a shower, so I did.

Lou gave me a hug, as soon as I entered the room. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"Oh yeah, and what about your swollen eyes and your breakdown yesterday? What did he do?" Ashana has always been very protective of me.

"He did nothing, I promise," I protected David.

"And you expect us to believe that?" My best friends looked at each other, then they looked at me again.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Fine, but now let's go outside," Ash said convinced of her Idea. I sighed. "Come on. We need some us-time again... Without any other guys or girls, just us."

"Alright," I agreed.

"Isn't that David's pullover?" Lou asked as I turned around. I stopped and looked down at me.

"Nooooooo," I made ironically, when I realised it actually was his.

I dried my hair and then we walked through the park. Exactly where David and I did that one day...

The weather was finally nice and warm again, after the last few days were pretty cold and wet and it was nice with Lou and Ash. After about one and a half hours, we arrived home again, but we certainly didn't expect what we saw there.

"Isn't that David?" Ashana asked, abruptly stopping. Lou and I first looked at her confused, but when we looked in the sane direction as Ash, we saw him getting out of a car. Not as driver though and he wasn't able to stand straight.

"What is he doing?" Lou asked us, but we obviously didn't know either.

"Looks like he's drunk," Ash responded, not taking her eyes off him. I ran towards him, before they could stop me. He looked very sick and I couldn't just let him stay on the streets.

"David, what-" I looked into his pale face.

"Evan...," he said smiling softly, but then he suddenly couldn't hold himself anymore and fell on me. I was glad when Louna and Ashana arrived that moment and helped me, since he was pretty heavy.

"I think we should get him upstairs," I said and to my surprise they agreed. We somehow managed to support him in his walk and get him upstairs. We laid him down on my couch.

"What do we do now?" Ash asked freaking out over David being completely drunk in front of us. He mumbled weird stuff.

"You go home," I said to her and when she was about to refuse, i continued. "I got this," I ensured her.

"Fine, call me when you do need my help." With that she left.

"Lou, can you fill up the bathtub with some water?" I asked her.

"Are you kidding me? You're going to bath him like a little kid?" she asked me as if I had gone insane.

"Didn't you notice how bad he smells?" I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders. I didn't really get along with bad smells. "Just do it, please." She went into my room's bathroom and let water in, while I gave him some water and searched for some fresh clothes I could give him. "Come on, David." He mumbled something, while I helped him walk into the bathroom.

"How is he supposed to get out of his clothes in this condition?" she asked with a frown.

"I'll figure something out. You can go now, thank you," I said and she left me and David, who sat on the floor. Lou gladly put some bathing foam in, I really didn't want to see his whole world. First I untied all the buttons of his shirt, then I gently pulled it off. I also opened his belt and his jeans and pulled it down as well. Now he was only wearing his underwear. "Can you take that off by yourself and go into the bathtub?" I asked and he nodded softly. "I'll wait outside the door. Give me a shout if you need anything."

Just as I was about to leave, he grabbed my hand. "Don't... go."

"You want me to stay?" He nodded again. I turned to face the door, while he got rid of the last clothing he wore. When he had problems getting in, so I helped him. I closed the curtain and sat down on the floor in front of him, again facing the door. "Why did you come here?" I asked after quite a while.

"I guess... I was sure... that it would be better if... I was with you..." he explained and just as I was about to respond, he continued. "You... are the only one... that can make the... pain... go away..."

"The pain?" I asked.

"I think... I hurt... someone very special... to... me..."

"Someone very special?"

"Yes. And I want... to make it... up to him... I want... him... back... you... back"

"I think you should sober up first..." He didn't respond to that, he just laid his wet hand on my shoulder.

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