Chapter Two

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    THE NEXT MORNING MARKED THE FIRST offical day of classes; excitement along with nervousness coursed through Sohee's body as she got all of her texbooks ready for said classes. Once Sohee had left her dorm and was walking down the hallway of the dormaties, other students started emerging from their dorms; most of them looked half asleep, while other looked ready for the long day of lectures.

   When Sohee entered the large building, surprisingly there were already a handful of students inside, either heading to their classes or just talking amongst their friends groups. But, Sohee just kept on walking, not batting an eye in the other students direction, because she just wanted to get to her first class of the day. Well...that was until she spotted a familiar face from the previous day; he stood off to the side, away from the other his own world as his stayed trianed to the screen of his phone.

   For some reason Sohee had found walking in his direction, maybe in hopes of initating a conversation with him...but a tap on the shoulder stops her. Sohee turns around and is met with the face of a fellow female student. A friendly is ectched on her features "Hi, I'm Ji Minhee. I thought you looked a bit lost." She spoke and Sohee returned the friendly smile "I'm Kim Sohee...I'm not lost-" She looked back to where he was standing...but he wasn't there anymore "I...I was just heading to my first class.." She ended up saying. "Ah ok...what's your first class?" Minhee asked curiously "Creative Writing." Minhee's face lights up, like how a childs would when being told they were going to Disney. "That's my first class as well...that mean we can walk together. You don't mind right?" Sohee shook her head "Oh...also if you wanted to, you could sit with me and my friends at lunch." Minhee suggested and Sohee found herself slightly surprised my the sudden invitation, but nevertheless she smiles "Yeah, that sounds good...thank you."

   When lunch had finally arrived, a large crowd of students migrated toward the cafeteria; one of the many students being Sohee...who was already feeling the pressure from her classes. It was only the first day...but she already had so many assignments to do. But, for right now the only thing Sohee was focused on...was getting food and maybe, just maybe work on some of her assignments (since she had a free period next). 

    As Sohee continued to walk amongst the crowd, she heard someone call out her name; she turned around and sees Minhee weaving through the crowd toward her. And, soon enough Minhee is standing beside her " were your classes so far?" She asks, Sohee breathes out a sigh "They went well...but so many assignments already. How about you?"She asks back and Minhee shrugs "They went ok...I guess. I do agree load is insane. But, I'm just glad I get food now." Sohee can't help but chuckle at her comment " too." She says in agreement.

    Once the two girls enter the cafeteria, there is already a big group of students, either sitting at tables or queued up in line to get their lunch. And once again...somehow, Sohee's gaze lands on that same exact male student from that morning and yesterday; he sat a table by himself...and not a single other student batted an eye toward him or greeted him. It was like they were purposefully ignoring him and Sohee couldn't help but wonder why. Minhee lightly elbows Sohee in her side, causing her to tea her attention away from the lone male student. "We're sitting over there." She says, pointing to a table where two other female students sat at.

   When the pair are closer to the table, the two girls stop talking and immediatley look at the unfamiliar female student. "Sohee...these are my friends, Dosom and Gaeun." Minhee spoke. Sohee smiles and bows slightly "Its nice to meet you both. I hope you don't mind that Minhee invited me to sit with you." She says. The two girls smile at Sohee, before Dosom began speaking "We don't mind at all. We've all ways wanted to add someone else to our friend group." Gaeun nods in reasponse "Yeah...the more, the merrier."

   A warmth then blossomed in Sohee's chest, suddenly having a good felling about everything.

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