Chapter One

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   COLLEGE...A NEW AND EXCITING CHAPTER for newly graduated high schoolers, especially for studious Kim Sohee; wanting to study for Biochemistry, she plans on putting all of her focus on her studies....and only her studies. So that means no unnecessary distractions.

    "Are sure you have everything?" Sohee's father asked (slight worry evident on his features), helping Sohee put the last box in the trunk of her car. She nods, shutting the trunk before turning toward her father "Yes, I'm sure for a fact that I have everything." She spoke with a smile "And, besides if I end up forgetting anything, I can always drive back." Her father nods, before sighing "I'm so proud of you, Sohee...and I know your mother would too." He tells her, a wide smile tugging at his lips and Sohee returns that smile. Her mother had unfortunately passed due to child Sohee had never truly met her, but from what her father tells her...she sounded like a wonderful women.

    "I know she would." Sohee said with a sad smile. She then clears her throat, turning away from her dad to look at the time on her phone "I should probably go." She spoke, noticing the time was already seven o'clock "Check in starts soon." Sohee turns back to her father and a small smile forms on her lips before she embraced him in a hug. "I love you, dad." She said, tightening her arms around his waist. Mr. Kim smiles, returning Sohee's embrace "I love you too, sweetheart." He replies, placing a peck on the crown of her head. "Text me when you make it campus." Sohee chuckles at her father's constant worriedness...but she understood why he was. "Don't worry, I will." She reassured him, releasing her dad from the hug. Mr. Kim nods in awknowlegdement, watching as his daughter walked over to the driver's side "Drive safe, Sohee." He called out, before she got into her car. And, so the adventure of college.

   After almost an hour drive, Sohee had finally made it to campus. She stared out the window, with an awestruck expression as her gaze remained on the enormous red bricked builing. Sohee breathed out a sigh, taking the key from the ignition before getting out (shutting the door behind her) and she then began walking toward the entrance of the building.

   When Sohee steps through the entrance, new students have already filled the lobby; some talikng, messing around or just standing in line to get checked in. Sohee ignored the rowdiness of the students and takes her place behind a boy with long black and blonde hair, that was tied with a hair tie "Interesting choice." She thought to herself. Sohee then realized she had forgotten to text her dad, so she takes her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and texted her dad, telling him that she had made it safely.

     Then the line of students began moving, Sohee did the same as she continued to text; which was deffinitley not the wisest choice, because it resulted in her bumping into the boy standing in front of her. She immediately realized her mistake "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I should have been-" The boy turned around, making Sohee stop mid-sentence. She had never seen any person so handsome or attractive before. His perfect oval shaped eyes, the mole under his left (along with the one on his bottom lip), his nose and beautifully shaped lips; along with mulitple piercings linning both his ears and loose strands of hair framing his face.

    He coughs awkwardly, snapping Sohee back to reality. She breaks her gaze frem his, blinking rapidly...embrrassment bubbling inside her. "I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention." She uttered, bowing slightly  and the boy chuckles "It's fine, it happens." He simply says, before turning back around. Sohee mentally curses at herself, for embrrassing herself already. And once she had finally gotten the key to her dorm, Sohee immediately leaves not wanting to embrrass herself further.

   When Sohee opens the door to her new home, its almost completely empty, besides a full sized bed, a bookshelf and a desk with a rolly chair. And it looked like she would be by herself -given the one bed- but she didn't mind. She much rather have her own dorm than share one...espcially with someone who could possibly distract her from her studies. 

   After Sohee brings in all of the cardboard boxes (filled with her belongings in her dorm) and places them on the floor, she opens the first box revealing framed pictures of her and her dad...and another one of her dad and mom (when she was pregnant with Sohee). She smiles, placing them atop the bookshelf. 

  Sometime passes when Sohee finally got everything -sort of- unpacked and the sun was dipping lower and lower in the sky, so she took this opportunity to relax, before classes start tomorrow. And soon enough Sohee falls asleep...prepared for this new chapter of her life.


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