Chapter Three

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   OVER THE NEXT COUPLE DAYS, Sohee continued to grow accustomed to college life; which consisted of drowing in assignments and trying not to get stessed over them....which she might already be failing at. Nonetheless, Sohee kinda liked the load of work she kept her busy.

    It was past noon and lunch had just ended, and after she had split ways with her friend group, Sohee was walking along with the steady flow of students to her Biochemistry class. As she continued to walk down the length of the hallway, her phone vibrates in the back pocket of her jeans; when she looked down at the illuminated screen, she is met with a text from her dad, asking how her day was going. 

   A smile forms on her lips...but before she ever had the chance to reply, Sohee runs head first into another person. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry-" She freezes as she looked at the peron, 'Oh you have to be kidding me.' An all to familiar face was staring back at her. A chuckle leaves from his lips "You sure are starting to have knack of bumping into me." He commented, picking up a book she had unknowingly dropped. "I...ummm-" Sohee started, but the words get caught in her throat...all of the sudden feeling flustered.

   The mystery boy holds the book in front of her and Sohee takes it from his grasp as she cleared her throat before speaking "God, I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not doing this on purpose." He  smiles "Its all good, don't sweat it." He reassured Sohee, which made her fell a little less flustered "But I suggest not looking at your phone while walking." He says and Sohee nodded in agreement "Yes, deffinitely not." Silence then fills the air around them, but it only lasts for a brief moment, before mystery boy starts talking. "I should probably head to my next class." Sohee nods "Yeah me too." She replied. "I guess I'll see you around then." He says and Sohee smiles "Yeah totally." She answered. Mystery boy gives her one last smile before walking past her.

    Sohee began walking in the direction of her Biochemistry class, but she soon stops abruptly in her tracks. 'Shoot I didn't even bother asking his name.' She turns around in hopes of seeing him still walking down the hallway...but all she was met with was...nothing, he wasn't there anymore. "Strange." She spoke under her breath. 'He was literally right there a moment ago. There's no way he walked that fast.' She thought to herself, gaze still trained to the empty hallway. Sohee shakes her head -remembering she had a class to get to- before continuing her walk to that said.

    But, unbeknowgst to her the boy was only a few feet down the hallway (hidden away in between a wall of lockers, in front of a janitorial closet), heart pounding irregurally in his chest, while he recalled the friendly and curious look in her eyes and he didn't like that look...that look only ended in disappointment and heartbreak. He breathes out a sigh 'Come on Wooyoung, you can avoid her and not have to worry about any of that' He told himself before continuing to his next class.

   When Sohee enters the the lecture hall, she sees students spread throughout the room, open textbooks strewn across the desks as they looked engrossed in what was on the pages. She breathes out a sigh, while she climbed up a few of the steps, until she eventually sat in a seat in one of the middle rows. As Sohee began taking her textbooks from her bag, her mind -for some reason- wondered back to that male stundent; she wondered why he was always on his own and everybody seemed to pretend he didn't exist....the more she wondered, the more curious she became.

    "Kim Sohee." A voice spoke, snapping her out of her wondering thoughts. When Sohee looked uo from her still closed textbook, her gaze locks with one of her classmates. "I've been calling you for a while." He says, Sohee's eyes widen in realziation "Oh...sorry." She muttered, finally opening up her textbook "No need to probably have a lot on your mind, with the mountain of assignmeant we aready have."  He reassured her with a smile. Sohee nods slowly, turning to the right page in the textbook "Oh yeah right....mountain of assignmeants..." She trained off slightly, before speaking again "What do you need, Yeosang?" Sohee asked, grabbing a composition notebook and her laptop from her bag. 

    "Oh right...can I borrow your notes from yesterday?" He asks, She smiles and nods "Yeah, of course." Sohee answered, handing the notebook to him. Yeosang takes the book from her grasp as he says "Thank you so much, Sohee...I'll be sure to give it back to you after the lecture." And then just like that Sohee is left with her wondering thoughts once again...until the professor finally showed up.  

    After Sohee's lecture had finally ended, she felt as though her brain was about to explode from all the work she had to get done...but thsnkfully she didn't have another  lecture until later and she could finally give her brain a break. And just as Sohee stepped through the doorway, her phone began to vibrate; she takes her from her back pocket and smiles when she reads the contact name. Sohee answers the call, placing the phone by her ear before saying "Hey, Dosom." After two weeks of being around Minhee and her friends...Sohee and Dosom had actually grown to be very good friends and would hang out quite often together outside campus. 

    "Hey Sohee, are your classes finished for today?" Dosom asked her "Ummm...yeah pretty much, my next class isn't until two o'clock. Why do you ask?" Sohee could practically hear the smile in Dosom's voice as she said "Awesome, I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee and maybe a chocolate croissant...beacuse I don't know about you, but I could really go for a caffeine recharge." Sohee chuckles lightly "You readd my mind...I'll be at the cafe in ten." Dosom hums "Okay, see you in a bit."

   Once Sohee entered the near by cafe, her began scanning each of the tables...until her gaze finally locked with Dosom's; she smiled and waved Sohee over. "You have know idea how much I neede this -" Sohee spoke, sitting across from her new found friend as she placed an iced latte in front of her "I think I'm alread losing my mind over some of my classes." She went on before taking a sip of her coffee; Dosom chuckled lightly, obviously agreeing with Sohee's statement. " are your classes going so far?" Sohee asked, tearing off a piece of her chocolate croissant. 

    Dosom breathes out a sigh, also taking a sip of her coffee before she began talking "They're actually going pretty good...I like all of my professers so far and also..." Her voice fades into the background as Sohee stared absently just over Dosom's shoulder...her mind drifting off somewhere else. It's only a few moment of taling later, when Dosom finally realized that Sohee was in her own world. "Sohee." She called, but her friend doesn't react in the slightest; so she repeats her name and placed her hand atop hers. Sohee finallt snapped out of her spaced out state, gaze locking with Dossom's again (who had slight worry in her eyes) "You okay?" She asked.

   Sohee swallows thickly, clearing her throat before at last speaking "Yeah...I'm fine." She answered, but Dosom didn't believe her words. But, nontheless, Dosom just nodded and pulled her hand back "Hmmm...I don't believe that, but I'll take your words for it." She said, sipping her coffee again. Sohee's gaze then turned downward, to her fidgeting hands as her raced to think of something to say to Dosom. She heaves out a sigh, swallowing thickly again "Do know anything about the male student with the two tone hair?" She finally spoke, gaze turning back to her friend. Dosom looked confused, trying to place that description to a face...before her face lit up in realization "'re talking about Jung Wooyoung, right." 

   'Jung that's his name' Sohee thought as she nodded in response. "Ummm...I don't know him personally, but I know him based off his reputation and rumors-" 'Huh, his reputation and rumors...I wonder if that anthing to do with, why he's always secluded from everybody else'  Her curosity suddenly becoming stronger. Dosom continued speaking "but if you want to know more about him, I'd ask MInhee...she's known him since highschool." 


  Hello everybody, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things are beginging to happen and very soon we'll be getting more Sohee and Wooyoung interactions, so look forward to that. Also, fun fact...Yeosang actually wasn't supposed to be in this fic, he was only going to have a cameo in this chapter...but he actually turned out to be part of the main chacaters, so look forward to more Yeosang. Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day/night<3

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