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He was making another drawing asmr video. He could not figure out the appeal of such videos. It was because he was deaf so maybe that was why, but those videos were a big part of his livelihood anyways and you do not really have to like what you do for a living but not entirely, he liked to draw. He finished the editing and posted the video.

He took a short shower and put on a navy-blue shirt and grey pants. He had a date, a blind date to be more precise. He did not want to, but his brother had sat him up, she was a friend of his.

He did his hair, but he did not know how he looked like. He always had his mirrors covered, he feared them, rightly so if you were going to ask.

He looked at his covered bathroom mirror, he had a date, he needed to check how he looked, it was one thing to go in a date with a man that sees things but another thing to go on a date with a man that sees things who looked messy. He tried a psychiatrist once that prescribed him a whole lot of medicines that made him less attentive and sleepier and cost him a fortune. He would have continued using them if they had helped but alas, they did nothing of the sort so there he was working up the courage to uncover his mirror. In one quick movement he yanked the cover from the mirror. He had thought that he could get used to the sight before him, but he never could. He was perspiring a lot, his eyebrows knighted together, and his eyes blown wide. But his reflection, however, was relaxed. His reflection was smiling, and it winked at him. He tried to ignore it and look at his hair, it was good. Mission completed, he recovered the mirror and exhaled slowly. Perfect, who can ever be with someone who sees his reflections wrong in the mirrors.

He would have used his bike to get to the café where he was supposed to meet his date but with his choice of clothes, he couldn't really. He ended up taking a taxi. He bought a nice bouquet of peonies. He knew nothing about the meaning of flowers but the florist told him that they mean beauty and it was always nice to compliment women like that.

He made it there half an hour early, it was always to show up to dates early. The café was nice with paintings all around, he liked it because of that.

At exactly six o'clock a woman came to him and presented him with a notebook written on it Are you Kevin? So his brother Sam must have told her that he was deaf, thank god for that. He nodded at her smiling a little. He used his phone to write on to show to people, he knew sign language of course but few people knew how to use it. He typed on his phone ' You must be Maya' and as an answer she nodded.

She sat down in the chair in front of him and he gave her the flowers. She accepted them with a beautiful smile and said something which he interpreted as thank you so much they look so nice. He knew how to read lips a little, comes with practice, he was born deaf after all.

She then figured out that she spoke and that he couldn't hear her so she wrote down quickly, 'I'm so sorry I'm still not used to this.'

He typed back on his phone ' It's no problem, you look very beautiful.' She smiled while reading this and mouthed thank you, and she truly was beautiful, hazel eyes, brown curly hair and brown skin.

'Can you understand simple words like thank you and sorry and things like that?'

'Yes, I can. I can also understand simple sentences.'

'Sam told me you are an artist. He showed me some of your videos, they were really beautiful, you are very talented' that made him blush a little.

'Thank you.'

During their silent conversation the waiter came and took their orders, and brought them their coffees the waiter knew him as he was a regular there so it was easy to order when someone knew that he was deaf.

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