pre epilogue (?)

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{lowercase intended}

"michael, come on you're going to be late!" his mother called out as michael put the pen down. looking at the letter again, realising it was going to be his last one for a long damn time. taking the letter, and opening the drawer with the rest of them, he folded them all up and into thirds, putting them in a large envelope.

sighing, he went downstairs, meeting his mom and luke.

"come on boys! one picture before you leave yeah?" the two put their arms around each other at the bottom of the stairs like michael and sally's homecoming picture, smiling for his mom.

"i cant believe we're actually graduating." luke sighed, sitting in the warm car as michael started the engine.

"yeah, i didn't think i was going to be able to, with my grades and all" as michael backed out of his driveway, luke turned the radio on, smiling as all time low came on.

after a few moments of silence, luke piped up "she would've graduated with us today."

"yeah, i know. i just cant believe she isn't here." michael sighed, his and luke's grad robes hanging in the back, swishing as the car moved.

pulling into the lot, they saw calum and april, canoodling and being gross on the hood of his car.

"get a room!" luke shouted, surprisng the duo and calum replying with a well earned, "fuck you luke!" before the two breaking up into giggles.

michael, being the responsible one of the two grabbed their black robes, almost burning himself in the process.

"you ready guys?"



as their principal was calling out names and giving out diplomas, michael sat in the crappy blue plastic chair, as was everyone else. he saw luke, two rows behind him, a few seats away from calum.

"michael clifford" his name was called out and as he stood to get his diploma, he could see everyone in the crowd. his parents, lukes parents, ashton, calum's parents and sally's family. he gave a small wave to them before taking his diploma, and shaking all the sweaty hands he needed to before coming off the stage and sitting down.

once all the names were called, he saw sally's sister come up.

"hello everybody, if you didnt know, im casy, sally's sister. today, we are celebrating the people who have graduated, and have worked four long years to earn their well deserved diplomas. this year, was a good year, and a bad year and today, my younger sister would have graduated. the school has asked me to do this, and i'd also like to thank her friends, for making this."

even though michael had no idea what was going on, he, like everyone else turned their attention to the screen, where pictures of sally and their squad came up, from when she was younger to her last days. he saw pictures of their big water fight of year ten, the picture of them holding hands on their first date, the group homecoming picture and all the countless others they took. at the very end of it, he was drying his eyes, and wondering how the hel luke and calum hid this froom him. he clapped with everybody else and spotted cake srying their tears as well.

casy came back up on the stage, her mascara messy underneath her eyes. "thank you everyone, and dont worry little sister, you wont ever be forgotten"

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