Chapter 1

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y/n was in her room, drawing and listening to music blasted into her headphones.
It was early in the afternoon and the sun came in by the windows.
As she looked around she saw all her various drawings hanging on the wall.
You could visibly see the improvement from the firsts compared to the lasts, and y/n was quite happy and proud about it.
Even though she had never felt that room completely hers.
Hanging here and there were also some pictures, framed and not.
The most nostalgic photo was the one with both of her grandparents.
They died a couple years ago, one because of an illness, the other because of old age.
For her whole childhood y/n had been raised by them, since her parents had always been too busy caring about their career and work, sometimes even forgetting about their daughter.
They were two scientists, so y/n wasn't much surprised.
When her grandparents had died it had been such a shock for the girl, finding herself alone, without her role models.
Suddenly the music stopped, as y/n looked up she found her mother in front of her.
y/m/n had always been an impeccable woman, everyday dressed in a flawless way and with perfect hair.
-y/n, can you not use your headphones when you're home? How can I call you if you don't hear me?- she started her usual scolding, while she checked some work papers.
-Sorry, sorry.- y/n quickly liquidated her, knowing that talking back wasn't going to work -Need to tell me anything?- she asked.
-Yeah, actually.- deigning to look her in the face -I need you to come with me to the lab. You need to pick some papers that you have to give to your dad.-
-Alright, ma.- y/n shrugged, closed her sketchbook and put it into her backpack, following her mom in the car.
After a ride of ten minutes passed in absolute silence, because y/m/n hadn't the time to close a call that immediately she had to respond to another one.
Arriving in front of the lab, they quickly got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.
y/n had been pretty surprised by the level of security that the place was in.
There were at least six, seven doors before getting to the actual laboratory.
Once they got to y/n mother's desk,she quickly gave her those famous papers.
-Your dad is four floors under this one. Show them this to whoever tries to stop you, alright? In any case just tell them you're my daughter, got it?- she asked, and gave her some sort of pass.
-Understood, ma.- y/n replied, getting that sort of pass too, then walking towards the elevator.
After y/n, another man, with some spiders in plastic boxes, walked into the elevator.
-What floor?- the man asked, giving her a little smile.
-On the forth underground floor.- she replied, not being able to move her gaze from the spiders.
They were somehow as gross as magnificent creatures.
-Uh, the top secret one, huh?- he grinned a bit -I have to go there too. Can I ask you why? Doesn't seem to me that you work here, am I wrong?-
-No, you're right. I'm just bringing these papers to my father.- she replied, trying not to look at the spiders.
A few moments later the metallic doors opened up, revealing a high tech laboratory.
-Have a good day, missy.- the man said, before disappearing behind a door, she didn't even have a chance to say it back.
y/n looked around, trying to find her father, suddenly she saw him, sitting at a desk.
-Dad?- she called, touching his shoulder, since he was completely engrossed in reading some documents.
-Oh. y/n, hey.- he said, raising his gaze -Wait, what are you doing here?- he asked, looking around, as if to be sure no one had seen her.
-Mum just sent me to bring you these.- y/n replied, placing the papers on the desk -I'm gonna go home now, see you. Bye.- she greeted him,entering the elevator again and going back to the ground floor.
On her way out she didn't even see her mum, but her assistant told her that a car was bringing her back home.
'Glad I don't have to go back home walking.' she told herself.
Once she got out of the building, y/n immediately saw the car and got in.
-Directly home, missy?- a voice asked, when she looked up she saw it was the man from before.
-Yeah, thank you.- she replied, tilting her head a bit -I thought you were a scientist.-
-Never said I was. I'm more like...handyman apprentice.-he replied, looking in the car mirror.
-Where are all those spiders from before?- she asked, looking out from the car windows.
-Half of them remained at the lab, the other half in the car trunk.- he replied, shrugging.
-Aren't you afraid that they are gonna break out and bite you?- y/n asked, a bit concerned, having the feeling that a thousand spiders were walking on her body, even if that wasn't true.
-Nope at all, missy.- he responded -They don't usually bite. They just do if they feel in danger, so no.-
-Good to know.- y/n responded, not entirely sure if that was true or not.
But she hoped with all her heart it was as he had told her.
After a while the car stopped.
-Is this, isn't it?- the man asked, turning to her.
-Mhmh, it is. Thanks, Mr...?- she said, leaving the phrase incomplete.
-Dillon.- he replied, with a smile -Max Dillon.-
-Then thanks Mr Dillon. Have a good day.- she said, getting out of the car.
-You too, missy.- he replied.
The man waited until the girl was home and only then he left.
Once she was inside, y/n took off her backpack and let it fall on the ground.
As she sat on the couch she felt some pain on her arm.
When she took a look at it she saw a spider and it had bit her.
Scared and taken by surprise, she immediately killed it without taking a better look at it.
Little did she knew that that day her life was gonna change forever.

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