Chapter 15

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As they had breakfast and chatted to get to know each other better.
y/n felt good as she talked with Kate about this and that.
Of course, it wasn't like talking with Jessica or Gwen because she couldn't be totally honest with her.
Hobie, from time to time, more than he wanted to admit to himself, turned to y/n just to check that she was doing fine.
Suddenly, Teddy excused himself as he stood up, followed by Chad, saying they needed a cigarette break, then they asked Hobie if he wanted to go with them.
Hobie immediately turned his head to the other Spider-girl, not really feeling like leaving her there alone with a girl she met less then an hour ago, not bacuse he didn't trust Kate, but to avoid y/n some embarass, but y/n just sligthly nodded, poiting the door with her gaze with a little smile.
As the three of them got out, both Teddy and Chad got their cigarettes and lit them.
-If you call me during one of your cigarette breaks, you obviously wanna ask me something, so go on.- he said, putting his hands in the pocket of his pants.
-Why would you say that?- Teddy asked, pretending to be offended, as his hand flew on his chest, dramatically -But now that you mention it...-
-Fuck off, mate.- Hobie laughed a bit as the other two joined him.
-Jokes aside, what's between you and y/n? I mean, we have known you for a couple of years now, and you never mentioned her. Now out of the blue she's staying at your place. I mean, no judge, we're just curious.- Teddy shrugged, blowing smoke out of his mouth, then he knocked the excess ash from his cigarette.
-She...well...- Hobie tried to come up with a credible story, but then decided to say how things actually were, just omitting some details like the fact that she came from another universe -Her world just collapsed. She lost her parents and her home. Literally everything she knew went destroyed. I'm just helping her, guys, can you blame me?-
-Damn. I feel bad for her now.- Chad whispered, scratching the back of his neck.
-It's alright. Just don't tell her that I told you. As soon as we split up, I want you to inform Kate about this. So you won't open fresh, closed wounds.- Hobie said, trying to look out for her.
Teddy and Chad looked at each other and then sighed loudly.
-Thanks for telling us.- the two men said, as they finished their cigarettes before walking in again -I could never have told that she had been through this if you ask me. She seems okay to me.- Teddy added, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants, as the three of them looked through the windows, looking at the two girls, who sat at the table, without realizing that they were observed.
-I know, I know. Never could have I if I didn't see it with my eyes, man.- Hobie nodded, trying not to stare at her.
As the three of them came back to the girls, who were still sitting at the table just chatting about some books they had both read, Hobie placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a little smile.
-I think it's time we go and rehearse a bit, don't you?- Teddy suggested.
Chad, at that moment, disappeared, claiming he had to go to the bathroom, while in reality, he had gone to pay the bill.
-Yes, I would love to hear you guys play.- y/n said, as they left the building.
-I hope you enjoy our music. We put ourselves in this, and I think I speak for all of us when I say this. We're really hoping you like it cause it's a part of us.- Kate smiled at her, putting her hair up with one of the drumm stick.
-Then what are we waiting for? Let's go, ladies and guys.- Teddy said, making spin the keycar on his finger.
-We'll meet you there.- Hobie smiled, nudging the exit to y/n -Let's go, girl.- he gave her a smile.
-Yeah, see you in a bit.- she looked at the other as she took the helmet that was in Hobie's hands and put it on.
They got on the motorcycle, and Hobie started driving.
-Where do you usually rehearse, Hobs?- y/n asked, as her arms were around his waist.
-Hobs?- he asked a bit in shock, smiling sadly at the nickname, even though she couldn't see him -That's almost new. Only one person had ever called me that.- he turned his head a bit, so she could see a bit of his smirk -I had forgotten how much I liked it, y'known?-
-Oh.- y/n let out her genuine surprise -Was it the girl who left the clothes at your house, wasn't it?- she asked.
-Yeah, it''s that obvious?- he asked, a bit reluctant, that then became a laugh.
-No, not at all. I just...- y/n stopped for a second trying to find the words that best matched what she felt -I just had a feeling, y'know? I can't explain it. It's like when you know something, but you don't know why or when you learn that information. You just know it.- she tried to explain.
-I understand. It happened to me a couple of times. It often happens with music for me. Like, you put a song on and I start humming and singing some lines or full verses, even not having learned that song or know where I listened to it.- Hobie replied -Anyway we almost arrived.- he informed her, stopping at a stoplight.
-What kind of place is it?- she asked, realizing she didn't ask that before, getting a "you'll see" as a response.
y/n imagined like a garage, like those you see in the movies that tell the beginning of every band or a small rehearsal room created by them in a room in someone's house, but no.
Hobie stopped the motorcycle in front of what looked like an apparent abandoned warehouse.
-Here we are.- Hobie announced, with a big smile on his face.
-Here?- y/n was a bit confused by what surrounded them.
Were they actually in the right place?
Seeing y/n's expression, the anarchist put a hand on her shoulder, pointing at the entrance with his gaze.
-Inside it's better than the outside, I swear.- he tried to entice her, seeing how unsure she looked.
-If you wanna kill me you might have done that in my sleep, y'know?- she said, laughing a bit.
-Yeah, I know. But do you want to put the tetrality of killing you here and not having to clean?- he replied, shrugging, trying not to laugh.

Different universe, same connection (Hobie Brown x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now