Chapter 17

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When y/n woke up, she found herself on the sofa with a blanket on her. 
She looked around, confused for a second before remembering where she was and what had happened the night before. 
The people she had met, the rehearsals and the day he spent with Hobie, until the night when he had told her he needed to talk about something but after that her mind was completely blank. 
y/n couldn't remember what possibly could be that he wanted to talk about. 
She felt a bit guilty about falling asleep when he needed her to talk since she recalled Hobie being quite serious. 
To make it up to him, she thought about letting him find breakfast as soon as he woke up, so she quickly got ready, trying not to make any noise to not wake him up. 
Knowing he would wake up in a bit, she left him a note written: 'I just left, don't worry. Be back soon, Hobs. -y/n'.
Taking the duplicate of the apartment's key, she left, closing the door as quietly as possible. 
Walking down the street, y/n tried to remember the place she went with Gwen some days ago when she first arrived here. 
As she wandered on the street, y/n admired the city in the morning. 
The sun was shining high in the sky, and there were no clouds around, so it looked like it was going to be a nice day. 
Since it was early enough in the morning she saw a lot of kids with backpacks, men in suits with briefcases and other people who just went on a morning walk, some alone, some in company, some even with their animals. 
While y/n wondered if it had been a good idea, leaving that apartment without knowing the city, but as soon as she saw some girls coming out of a small door with croissants in hand. 
As she got closer, she noticed it was a small local bakery. 
y/n went into that little heaven of flavor and ordered two croissants and noticed it had some local sweets, which she had noticed in those days and wanted to try, she took those too. 
After greeting the owner,she left, heading back to the apartment, hoping Hobie would be awake.
Arriving in front of the building, y/n noticed that some of the windows of the fifth floor were open, so it meant that Hobie was awake. 
Not wanting to climb all those stairs, she looked around just to make sure no one was watching her, then she put on her spider mask and she lifted it a little so that her mouth was uncovered with which she was holding the bag containing the breakfast, then she climbed up the wall. 
As she entered in the apartment, Hobie was standing in the middle of the room with just his pants and a shirt in his hands. 
When she realized, she immediately turned around, flushing violently.
-Sorry, I didn't mean to.- she muttered under her breath. 
-Don't worry.- he replied, trying to play it cool, putting his shirt on -Why did you climb up the wall, tho? I thought you were going to use the stairs.- 
-I thought that too, but I didn't want to have to climb five starways.- she explained, placing the bag on the table and sitting. 
-What you got there?- Hobie asked, sitting next to her. 
-I've got us breakfast. I felt guilty since yesterday you wanted to talk to me, but I fell asleep. Sorry for that.- y/n said opening the bag and giving him one.
-You didn't need to really, but thanks, darling.- he smiled at her, taking a bite. 
-With this excuse I wandered around and I got the chance to look around and to lose myself in the streets. I think it's the best way to explore any place.- y/n said, eating a bite of the croissant -Anyway what you wanted to tell me?- she asked, giving him all her attention. 
Hobie blushes a little, but having dark skin it wasn't visible.
-Nothing, dear. Thinking about it now, it's not that important.- he tried to scoff off the conversation. 
-Alright.- y/n replied -If you ever want to talk about it, just remember I'm here.- she smiled. 
Just about when Hobie was about to respond, his phone chimed. 
-Oh shit.- he muttered, throwing his head back.
-What's the problem?- y/n asked, a bit concerned. 
-It's the band. We had to perform tonight and I had completely forgotten about it.- Hobie said, standing up and quickly packing the guitar with some wires he needed -Wanna come to see us? You don't have to if you don't want to.- he said, scratching his neck -I mean, I don't know if it could be too much to handle since it's the first time you see it live.- 
-I'll come. If it's too much, I'll make a sign to warn you and I'll go away. How does that sound?- she proposed as he closed the guitar case.
-Yeah, it can work.- he said, nodding and with a smile -You can also stay in the backstage if you want to.- Hobie suggested -I'm sure the others won't mind it either.-
-That would be amazing, Hobs. Thanks, really.- 
-You're welcome, darling, it's the least I can do for you.- he smirked, then like came up in his mind -I should have a pair of noise canceling headphones.- he said snapping his fingers -Wait here. I'll be right back.-
y/n tried to complain but Hobie had already disappeared into another room.
After some moments, he came back with a small box with black headphones. 
Without a word she tried them on and the world that surrounded her immediately became more muffled, as if she were underwater and the sound of the waves drowned out all other sounds. 
As he saw y/n with the headphones on his mind immediately flew to his other y/n the first time he had brought her to a pub where a bunch of his old friends were going to play. 
-Thanks Hobie, really.- she smiled, taking them off. 
That little gesture was enough to bring Hobie out of his trance, who looked away for a second, just to collect himself, before looking back at her. 
-Wear them if the music is too loud but you still wanna see us.- he said -Or should I say me?- he winked. 
-If it helps your ego.- y/n shrugged, trying to hide her blush. 
-Alright. I see you're starting to talk back to me.- Hobie smirked, even more pleased -I like that.- 
-Not that is my business but shouldn't we like to be on our way to the pub cause you and the others have to play?- she whispered, leaning a bit toward him. 
-You're fucking right.- Hobie handed her his guitar case -I have to drive and I can't have this on my shoulder. Can you carry it for me, please?-
-Yeah, I can do that, don't worry.- she smiled at him as she took it -Let's go. I wanna see you on the show.- y/n smirked as she walked towards the door. 
-You mean you as you 'us'? Or you 'me', darling?- Hobie asked, opening the door for her.
-I guess I'll know during the show.- she replied, walking out and started to descend the stairs, as he closed the door. 
-Hey wait for me, y/n.- he said, running after her. 

Different universe, same connection (Hobie Brown x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now