Chapter 18

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While Hobie was swinging around the city, a couple of days after the show, y/n was on the sofa just reading a book that Kate had lent her, trying not to fall asleep since the night before she had slept only a few hours since in the middle of the night someone thought it was a good idea robbing a bank.
Suddenly she heard someone knocking at the door.
The room was illuminated and made warm by the sunlight that came in through the window that early afternoon. 
-Coming, coming.- she said, yawning, more to herself than for whoever was at the door, as she stood up. 
As she lowered the handle, y/n saw Hobie standing there with a takeaway coffee in his hand. 
The split lip was still there, from the night before, luckily there weren't more evident bruises on his body. 
-Glad to see you're still awake, darling.- Hobie smirked, handing her the coffee -Thought you might have needed some caffeine.- he shrugged. 
y/n liked the fact that Hobie called her 'darling', but wasn't going to tell him that, since she didn't want to make things awkward between them, but she liked even more when out of the blue he came home with something for her. 
It was always something small and never too expensive, but just the thought that he saw something and thought about her, made her feel good, since no one had ever done something like this for her. 
-Thanks Hobs, really.- she smiled, taking the cup from his hand. 
As their hands brushed against one another, they both skipped a heartbeat. 
Quickly, they moved their hands away, trying to play it cool.
-No need to thank me, darling.- he smirked -Now we're even, since you last time you brought me breakfast.- 
-You didn't have to. You owe me nothing, Hobs.- y/n said, taking a sip of coffee. 
-I know. But I wanted to, dear. Since you slept too little this night I thought you could have needed something to keep you awake.- he shrugged, walked in and sat on the sofa -I wouldn't like having to fight alone, y'know? I'm getting to get used to you.- he winked at her, making her blush a little. 
-And I'm getting used to you too.- she winked back, taking another sip of coffee, holding back a laugh. 
That took Hobie by surprise but was charmed by her behavior. 
Hobie was tempted to try to tell her about the other y/n, but something held him back, it was like a gut feeling. 
-Anything you want to do today? Any plans?- he asked, looking at her. 
-Nope, nothing in particular.- sitting on the sofa, next to him, crossing her legs -You?- she asked. 
-Same. Especially after last night. I only crave some sleep.- he replied, throwing his head back, bringing his hands at the base of his neck.
-I know it's supposed to be my turn to take the bed, but you can have it. I mean...- she sighed, trying to find the words -You're the most hurt.- 
-I'm fine, y/n/n. Don't worry about me.- he tried to reassure her, playing it cool -I've been much much worse.- 
-How's you lip anyway?- she asked, unable to not look at him
His lips were pulpy and defined, and the two piercings made them look ever bigger somehow.
-It's okay. It's been through worst things.- he said, involuntarily running the tongue over the cut on the lip -For the bed, don't worry, dear, really. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I'd agree.- 
-Quit this nonsense, Hobs.- y/n said, hitting him on the arm playfully. 
-Anyway...- he started talking -Have you thought what you'll do whenever this isolation will finish?- he asked -I mean, you'll stay here or you'll wander around? Or I don't know.- 
-Well, mhh.- y/n mumbled, not expecting that kind of question -I don't really know. I was thinking about asking Miguel to let me stay at the headquarters. It seems the better option, y'know?- 
-And why is that, darling? I'm sure any Spider person will adore having someone who will fight with them, especially if it's you and I mean it.- Hobie replied, not totally understanding.
-I appreciate it, Hobie, really. But I don't want to definitely settle in a universe where there's already another Spider person. It could look like I'm trying to steal their job. And that's not what I want.- 
-Oh, I see why now.- he said, looking her directly in the face -Well, I'll tell you something.- Hobie clapped his hands together -If my presence doesn't bother you, you can stay here as long as you want. And you don't have to worry about me thinking you wanna replace me.- he suggested. 
-Aren't you tired of me yet, Hobs?- y/n asked with a smirk.
-Nope, I won't get tired of you as long as you don't think I'm a pain in the ass.- Hobie joked, then his tone becomes serious -Jokes aside, I'm really offering you a place to call home. You can wager around as you want, but when you'll need someone to talk to or a roof on your head, just know that you can come here. Alright?- 
-Alright, thank you, Hobs. That means a lot to me.- she replied, as her eyes became a bit shiny.
-Don't thank me, darling.- he smiled, opening his arms -Instead, come here and hug me.- he said, not being able to resist the idea of contact with her. 
y/n smiled at him and enjoyed the embrace. 
Hobie got goosebumps as she reciprocated the hug and got surprised when his first thought in that moment wasn't the other y/n, but the one with him. 
It was like she had replaced the other one without even knowing. 
These thoughts created confusion in Hobie's mind, and he didn't know how to handle them. 
From her part y/n was unaware of the mess in his mind.
Suddenly, a portal opened in front of them.
A noise of an engine caught their attention, and Jessica came out of the portal. 
-Jessica?- Hobie and y/n asked, sounding surprised as she turned off the motor. 
-Hey there. You guys okay? How have you been?- she asked.
-We're okay.- he replied, glancing over y/n. 
-Yeah, things have been fine.- she said looking at Hobie and nodding.
-Glad to hear that, kids.- she smiled warmly at them. 
-But didn't Miguelito said "everyone in their universes for safety" or something?- Hobie asked, mockingly repeating the phrase in his tone. 
y/n tried not to laugh at the nickname Hobie had given to Miguel. 
-Yeah, but from today, we can jump again from one universe to another.- she explained, raising an eyebrow, then she moved her gaze towards y/n -When you get the chance, dear, please get in touch with Gwen. She's really sorry for what happened, y'know? She...- Jessica looked away for a second -She already lost her best friend. She didn't mean to.- 
-I know, Jess, I know.- y/n sighed, looking away -If I see her, I will talk with her.-
Jessica looked relieved after hearing those words.
-Thanks a lot, hun. It means a lot.- the woman smiled -Now I'm gonna go. I have a kid and a universe to look after. I'll see you around, kids.-
-Bey Jess.- Hobie and y/n said in chorus, as they looked at the woman disappearing into a portal. 
After Jessica left, y/n let herself collapse on the couch, leaning her forehead against her tights. 
Could she be able to talk with Gwen? 
y/n knew she hadn't done it on purpose. 
-Darling, you okay?- the man asked, sitting next to her.
Hobie wasn't sure on what to say or do, he didn't want to risk overstepping.
-I will be, don't worry about me.- she tried to give him a smile. 
As y/n came back to read her book, Hobie picked up his guitar and started to play some music. 
Then after a while another portal appeared. 

Different universe, same connection (Hobie Brown x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now