Ha! Funny tell me your joking....

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The last bell of the rang of the day and I practically leaped out of my seat. As did everyone else, but I finally had a reason. Small percent of it was the fact I might have scored a new best friend. But the images of me and my supposed best friend in the shower together diseased my mind. I craved him . His touch, his laugh, his scent. Absolutely everything, and quite frankly it was driving me insane. Unfortunately, for me I had made a promise to a certain someone that she could tag along for the day. We hadn't even gotten each others names we were too busy running our mouths about everything other than our essays. Another thing keeping me from alone time with Marshall.

I spotted the girl from English class in the corner at the end of the hall glancing around for me. I scurried over to her quickly before I got misdirected in a crowd of more people.

"Hey." I greeted her and began leading the way of the school. "I guess we kind of missed the most important piece of information; our names." She nodded in agreement quickly.

"Oh, yes. I'm Kim." She said confidently smiling ear to ear. She really was the friendly type. I liked that about her. Everywhere she went you practically feel the positive energy radiating off of her.

"Neveah." I replied not paying much attention to her response. I spotted Marshall waiting up against one of the brick walls of the school for me. I had almost completely forgot about this morning, and it just hit me that this probably wasn't the best time to be introducing someone to him. Well, it was too late now and we'd have plenty of time after Kim went home to talk. He glared furiously at me not even batting an eye to her presence. I guess she caught the vibe pretty quickly because she immediately introduced herself.

"I'm Kim." She said with confidence.

"I'm the Marshall Mathers." He said examining her closely.

"The Marshall Mathers? Seriously?!" I muttered letting the sarcasm take over. "So, Kim we're gonna go to a party later wanna come?" Marshall looked over at me pleadingly. He didn't even wanna give the girl a chance. We had a chance to gain a new friend and he was being very close minded. Or maybe he just liked it being the two of us which I didn't mind at all.

"Yeah!" She squealed and Marshall fought to hide the distaste in his expression. "You guys wanna walk me home so you know where to pick me up for the party." I nodded excitedly. We're definitely going to be good friends.

"Yeah, let's go. Hurry up Marshall." I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him in the direction Kim started walking in. Kim and I walked ahead and Marshall dragged him self dramatically behind us. "Anyone hot enough for you here yet?" She shook her head.

"No. The guys here suck. Their all cocky jerks who think every girl is attracted to them."

"Agreed. But you never know you might meet someone at the party tonight."

"I don't think so." She didn't know it, but I knew for sure their was a good handful of guys head over heels for her already. I had them blabbering on during my biology class about her and how she'd an easy to bag. They were also extreme players and she was probably just new and fresh. They found a new obsession every other month I swear. It exhausting even to think about.

"You'd be surprised Ben's parties bring outsiders sometimes." I said trying to bring hope to situation.


"Yeah, like you know...other high schoolers on the other side of 8 mile." I had to hand it to him Ben had family connections with the better side of Detroit. So, sometimes when he throws parties some of his friends from there come. It's pretty much a delicacy to see any one from the other side of 8 mile over here voluntarily. It just didn't happen. That's why Ben's parties were so popular.

Marshall finally caught up beside me hanging his head low in annoyance.

"Honest question. Are you guys a thing?" My heart dropped in my chest and the blood pumping through my body quickened. How did I answer that? If I said no Marshall could probably feel otherwise. If I said yes Marshall could again think otherwise. I stole a quick peek at him waiting anxiously for him to save the day and answer for me.

"Yup." He threw his arm around my neck pulling close enough to him you couldn't fit a hair between us. "Fuck. I really do gotta find myself someone at that party. Don't wanna be third wheel."

"Don't worry I'll find you someone." It would be easy to stay true to my words being that their were some decent guys from the better side of 8 mile coming. She was skinny, young, and blonde which met all of their standards unfortunately.

"Bye." Kim pulled me into a one armed hug not caring that Marshall's arm was still slung around me.

"Bye!" I waved back to her before she got in the door.

"Finally. Damn."

"She isn't a raging bitch like the rest of the girls in our school. So, I'm going to take what I can get." He laughed in agreement.

"Yeah that's true." Now that we're only I wanted to ask him about earlier, but I knew he would just shut me down. Once again I had to remind myself when he wanted to talk to me he would.

"So, where we going till' the party starts?"

"Everywhere and anywhere but home."

"And why is that other than the fact your mom is also a raging bitch." Wouldn't hurt to ask subtly.

"Well, when I came home that night she was fighting with her boyfriend. One she been with for a couple months."

"Uh huh." I didn't see where this was going. She was always fighting with guy nothing new.

"Let's just say I'm not an only child... or I'm not going to be." He whispered looking down at his shoes scared to look up at me. To say that I went absolutely hysterical with laughter was an understatement.

"Holy fuck was that funny." I said my breathe finally caught up with me. He scowled at me in disbelief. I went completely quiet and stared at him in shock. A thousands questions ran through my mind and I tried to answer them myself knowing he wouldn't want to answer them right now.

"Your mom's pregnant?!"

"Only you say stupid shit like that. How the hell else would I be having a fucking brother Neveah." He said laughing now too absolutely delirious. Stupid question yes but anything to lighten the mood.

"Holy shit 16 years!"

"Your not helping." He said still trying to contain himself.

"I know. I know. I'm just as fucking shocked as you are right now." No fucking way I got jumped by a pregnant woman. I didn't realize how deteriorated my defense skills were, but bad enough to get jumped by a pregnant lady.

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