Chapter 13

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I woke up with a pounding headache. The last thing I remembered last night was trying to go inside, but I guess I made it back ok since I was in my bed. I noticed that I was in my clothes from last night, so I showered and changed into my maid's uniform.

I didn't dry my hair because the strident noise of the hairdryer hurt my ears. I kept my cap over my colored eyes when I made my way to the kitchen. I pushed open the double doors, and luckily, nobody was in there.

I washed my hands, and poured myself some coffee. I ran my hands over the cool countertop, and I put my upper body weight on it. My face was flat against the marble, cooling it.

"Rough night?" Landon yelled loudly.

"Are you Satan?" I groaned, putting my hands over my ears.

"Only when you're hungover," he replied. "You were hilarious last night."

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I gently sipped my coffee.

"The prince found you when you were making a fool of yourself. You kept saying Lia wasn't your name, too!" He laughed while digging in a cabinet annoyingly.

"No," I said with widening eyes. "No way," I sighed with my head in my hands. Hopefully I didn't admit to anything!

"Yeah, you did. It was hilarious!" He chuckled.

"Did I say anything else about my name?" I said, trying not to look anxious or worried.

"No. Not to him, anyway. You did, however, tell me your name was Elisa. Care to explain?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It was a name I used when I played pretend as a kid back in the orphanage. Probably a side effect of alcohol," I said, shrugging it off.

"Oh. Well, take these," he said while handing me two tablets. "It should help."

"Thanks," I sighed while swallowing the two with my coffee, which was done cooling. "Are you working tonight?"

"Obviously. It's not a Halloween Ball without treats for the richest people in Illèa to stuff their faces with," he murmured sarcastically.

"Why do you say it like that?" I said curiously.

"It's just the way these people live. They're rich, yet they stay greedy when they have so much to give. I just wondered what things would be like if the tables were turned and they were fives and sixes like us, and we were twos and threes."

"They're not all like that," I denied. I may not be a two anymore, but I'm not going to desert them in an argument. "Some of them are charitable and kind."

"Yeah?" He scoffed. "Like who?"

"The Carams," I said for example. "They made a memorial out of their land."

"To get attention, yeah. And look at that gawdy pavilion they put up in the garden. Bet those people paid for that to get put there."

"Don't say that! You don't know anything about them!" I scowled. I was clutching the cup of coffee tightly, and I was afraid I might break the cup.

"Why are you defending them, Lia? You're not one of them! You're just like me, a poor and pathetic six!"

I blinked my eyes and winced. I shrank away from him and poured out the rest of the coffee in my cup. "If that's what you think," I said with a voice that began to break. A few tears spilled from my eyes as I made my way for the exit, but Landon blocked it.

"Lia, I'm sorry- I didn't mean it like that," he apologized.

"You meant every word. Now get out of my way right now, Landon." He willingly moved out of the way of the swinging doors and I ran to my room. I passed confused staff members, who were probably preparing for the ball.

I sat on my bed crying until I willed myself to get up. My eyes were dry, and I put some eye drops in my eyes to moisten the blue contacts. I was tired of this charade. The entire thing- the hair, the eyes, the job- even my skin was tanner than my naturally pale complexion.

I ran my hands through my hair and prepared myself to go to America's room. I smoothed my skirts and made a deep exhale. I went up to America's room and knocked on her door, and thankfully Maxon was attending to last minute ball details.

"Hello, Elisa," she smiled. "Did you have fun last night?"

"I did," I said with a painful smile, putting false cheeriness in my voice. "Thank you. Should we get started?"

She nodded and let me begin. I did her makeup first, then put her red hair into an updo, her smooth curls pinned against the rest. I tied the mask carefully onto her face before pinning it into place. Then, I let her get into her dress, so I could put her wings on her.

I took the feathery giant and hooked it into place. I smoothed the stray feathers and sprayed them with hairspray to calm them a bit. When it was finished, I helped her clasp her necklace and put on her shoes. She decided against a crown for this.

"Thank you, Elisa!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You should go get ready. You'll never forget your first Halloween Ball," she winked.

I smiled genuinely and paced down to my room, careful not to make eye contact with any of the wandering guests. I closed the door softly and began to put on my elaborate ballgown. I admired the peacock feathers that barely brushed the floor, shortened by my original design to make dancing easier. I strapped on my shoes and stood up to get used to the feel.

I put my hair into a French twist with falling strands. I pinned the blue comb into the twist to that the feathers were easily seen. I did my makeup, finishing it with winged eyeliner and red-stained lips. You could see the dramatic eyeliner from behind my wired mask.

I glanced at my songbird necklace lying on my dresser. I picked it up and looked at it longingly, looking back on the memories it brought. I wrapped it around my wrist so that it could pass as a simple bracelet, but in reality it meant so much more.

Or at least, it used to.

I clasped the borrowed necklace and bracelet into place, courtesy of America. I wasn't recognizable as Elisa Carams nor Lia Kane. I was anonymous, which was exactly who I needed to be.

I toyed with the peacock feathers as I made my way to the ballroom, earning side glances from the men and envious glares from some of the women. I pushed open the doors, but thankfully there wasn't a grand entrance since I was no longer an Elite.

The ball had begun.

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