Chapter 45

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"What's wrong, El? Are you not happy to see me?" Nathan smirked. The tall, dark haired boy seemed almost like a tall, dark stranger. He seemed to have grown some, if possible, and he definitely added some muscle. It seemed like his tanned skin only got tanner. The only thing that hasn't changed is that he's still wearing black.

"What are you doing here?" I asked flabbergasted. I tried to stand up, but I just collapsed again, right on top of the man that tried to kidnap me.

Nathan has somehow magically teleported to directly in front of me. "I'll explain later. You look pretty out of it- are you okay?" he asked with a furrowed brow. He pressed a hand to my face, and after feeling my cheek, he moved it to my forehead. "Oh shit, we got to get you to the infirmary," he whispered with wide eyes.

"Glad to see your choice of words hasn't changed," I mumbled. He picked me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style, which would have felt pretty magical and all, but my body was so weak I just fell limp. "Could you not swing me around so much? My head hurts."

"Glad to see that you're still a lightweight," he chuckled.

"Is that any way to reunite with your ex-fiancee?" I giggled with my head lolling all over the place. The walls looked very funny upside down.

"Ha. You're so funny," he remarked sarcastically.

We walked into the infirmary, and nurses immediately swarmed me. I looked around for something familiar, but everything fell blurry and all of the noises were incoherent. I didn't have to worry about comprehending all of these things a few seconds later because everything went black.


"Um, sirs, I can't give her the IV if you two are this close to me," the nurse said timidly.

"Sorry," Aaron immediately said, moving back. Nathan said nothing, but he moved back as well, crossing his arms over his chest. "You can't just come back here and expect her to still be in love with you," Aaron said accusingly.

"You can't just come in here acting like she's the only girl for you when you have two other ones living in the same place as you," he retorted.

"How dare yo-"

"Look, pretty boy, the only thing I'm trying to say is that you don't control your own emotions as much as she can control hers. Maybe if you were man enough to propose to her, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"I'm giving her time," he sighed.

"You clearly don't have time; you're losing her. Do something about it," Nathan said angrily.

The nurse widened her eyes and shook her head. "Is there anything I can do for you, Lady Elisa?" she asked.

"Just water, please," I replied. Both Aaron and Nathan's heads snapped to look at me as soon as they heard my coarse voice. The nurse left the room, and when I heard the door shut, I started to laugh. "You know I was awake that whole time, right?"

Aaron turned a light shade of pink, but Nathan seemed pretty shameless about the whole thing- as if he knew the whole time. Nathan turned to face Aaron, his arms still crossed. "Do you mind if I could have a moment alone with her?"

Aaron looked to me as if to ask, is he being serious? I merely nodded and turned up the corners of my lips. "I'll be fine. Promise you'll be here when he leaves- please?"

"Yeah," he whispered, his hand curled around the heavy wooden door. He closed it gently behind him, and I heard his footsteps move.

Nathan pulled a chair up beside me in my hospital bed. I had on one of my nightgowns instead of a paper thin hospital gown, thank goodness. His honey colored eyes bore into mine before speaking. "How are you?"

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