A Sudden Fate

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(Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name
Slanted font means the characters are talking in mind)

It was another day and school had just finished. Inside the halls lied students talking to their friends, checking their phones, opening their lockers and all in all, living their lives normally. It was relaxing as they were enjoying the time they had being alive. The mood was right and nothing could've disturbed this peaceful moment of students enjoying themselves. That is until a rather peculiar student with h/c hair and e/c eyes came through the halls running for his life as he was being chased by a couple of bullies.

Bully #1: Get back here Y/N you punk!!!

Bully #2: You're dead meat when we get you!!!

Y/N: Oh come on guys we don't have to do this! Let's all calm down and talk about this!

Bully #3: As if we'd talk after you dumped milk all over us! You got nerve!!

Y/N: I did that cause you jerks were picking on someone who did nothing wrong! You'll never take me alive!!!

This rowdy student known as Y/N was currently running for his life from a couple of bullies who were picking on a kid for their manga. As a result he thought the best idea would be to dump milk all over them. Y/N kept on running trying to lose them by making steep turns, jumping off stairs, and now hiding behind some vending machines.

Y/N: Crap I got to think of something quick!

He searched all over the place until he thought of an idea. The bullies managed to catch up yet they were out of breath.

Bully #1: *pant* Where *pant* did that *pant* punk go?

Bully #2: *pant* Why is he so fast?!

Bully #3: *pant* I don't know. *pant* Hey! There he is! That's his hoodie!

They all looked up at some random student who's back was facing them. He was wearing a hoodie and bag that just so happened to resemble Y/N's. He was unaware of what was happening as he all of a sudden gets tackled by the bullies and gets beat to a pulp.

Random Student: WHY???!!!!!

While this was happening, Y/N had peaked out of a trash can.

Y/N: Yikes, sorry about that man. I didn't intend on you taking my beating. Then again you are the guy who won't shut up in class so take it as it is.

Y/N's POV,

Phew. Glad that all that's over. I was almost a goner. I better get going though, I'll miss my train if I'm late. So I brushed off the sweat from my forehead and casually made my way out of the school as if nothing happened.

Oh where are my manners? The names Y/N L/N, I'm just the average high schooler trying to get by. And after what just happened, I need to breather. I know the whole situation didn't have to do with me at first, but seeing those bullies pick on someone who had nothing to do with them just for liking manga? I couldn't stand there doing nothing. I essentially do everything that comes to my mind. Even if it is questionable. I believe it's wrong to pick fun at others for what they like and if anything I like to encourage people's passions. I'm optimistic, and well I'll see through everything and make it out with a smile on my face. Especially if the situation seems impossible or extremely risky.

After awhile I arrived at my stop and made my way to my apartment. I live alone like any other high schooler but one perk about living alone is that there's no one here to judge your huge manga collection! Oh did I mention I'm a huge otaku? I've read tons of manga in my life but recently I became obsessed with the series Oshi No Ko. After binging the anime and manga, I couldn't get enough. Everyday I would reread a volume from start to finish. Howbeit, out of everything that had happened in the story so far, all I could still think of was Ai Hoshino. There was something about her that caught my attention in an instant and sooner than later, I guess I too became a huge fan of her. But Ai's death always stumped me.

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