(Chapter 4) Can't sleep

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||Wilburs POV||

I new Tommy was up to something. ⟟ mean come on he's never nice, like, ever. Unless he's trying to get something from you, and even then he's still not the nicest.

Dream ended up coming back with ⏃ hand full of dandelions and he hands it to Tommy. ⟟ think that's the first time I've seen Tommy's face light up that fast, ⟟ swear his smile was ear to ear.

"YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Tommy yelled as he ran away, to XD knows where.

⟟ do gotta admit seeing tommy that happy made me smile. ⟟ here giggling so ⟟ look back at Dream to see him laughing to himself. He's so beautiful... snap out of it Wilbur you gotta stay focused.

"So about that number of yours~" ⟟ say as ⟟ lean against the counter.
"Slow down there cowboy~" it feels like my face is on fire.
"You still haven't told me what you actually want to buy!" He giggles.

Me and Dream continue to talk for ⏃ while until ⟟ get ⏃ call from my dad saying it's time to go. We say our goodbyes, and ⟟ head back to the truck.

"DADZA! DADZA! WILBUR GOT ⏃ BOYFRIEND!!!!!" Tommy yells as loud as humanly possible.
"⟟ swear to XD Tommy! If you don't shut up I'll kill you!" ⟟ say glaring at him.
"Who's the lucky guy m8?"
"⟟ think you meant the poor guy.. ⟟ feel bad for him" Techno says 'correcting' him.
"UGEEEEEE" ⟟ yell as ⟟ curl up in my seat and pull my beanie over my eyes in embarrassment. My face is on fire again...
We finally get home from what felt like hours in the car, ⟟ go straight to my room and lock the door. ⟟ was done with my family for today.
It's around 12:40 am, I've been trying to sleep for the past 3 hours and it's just not happening.. Wait ⟟ did get Dreams number! (After 20 minutes of begging.. but we don't need to talk about that..) ⟟ take out my phone and go to the contact "🌼Flower Boy❤️".

🌼Flower Boy❤️

"Hey Flower boy~ you up?"

🌼Flower Boy❤️:
"Nope still sleeping 😴"

"What..? How..? I'm so confused.."

🌼Flower Boy❤️:
"Pfft! You really thought ⟟ was still sleeping it's ⏃ joke Wilbur!!"

⏃ smile creeps on to my face, no one's ever made me feel like this ⟟ really enjoy talking to him and it's only been one day!

🌼Flower Boy❤️

"Ik! I'm just messing with you!"

🌼Flower Boy❤️:
"Oh really? How do ⟟ know if that's not just ⏃
cover story for your lack of sarcasm??"

" ⟟ guess you'll never know! Mwahaha!"

🌼Flower Boy❤️:
"Ok ok enough with the funny business! Wts up?
Why'd you texts me at the butt crack of dawn??"

"Just couldn't sleep ig, and needed someone
absolutely dropdead gorgeous to help me

🌼Flower Boy❤️:
"Omx get out of here you fuck boy 😒"

"*Dramatic gasp* how dare you ⟟ am no fuck boy!! 😤"

🌼Flower Boy❤️:
"Pfft! What's with the gasp!"

Sorry haven't updated in While! I'm gonna try and upload more often! hope you liked this chapter and if you have any suggestions for the story or other stories please comment! would love to hear you ideas!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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