Chapter 5

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~To Be Together -2~

Zee exited the car and quickly made his way into the warehouse. As Zee was about to enter, a black sedan pulled into the gate of the property. Zee halted as the men around him moved quickly towards the vehicle, forming a side by side human barricade. Kinn and Jeff stood by Zee as a man in a dark gray suit opened the door. The men all stood still on both sides, bowing their heads as he exited the vehicle, making his way up to Zee. Kinn and Jeff mimicked the action, bowing their heads in respect. 

“P’Aof, thank you for coming so quickly.” Zee smiled and embraced the man.

“Anything for my favourite nephew.” Aof answered back playfully.

“I’m your only nephew” Zee responded back with a scoff. 

“That’s why you’re my favourite.” Aof grinned and patted Zee’s back. 

After the pleasantries, Zee led Aof into the building to where the prisoner was held. The man was bound to a chair, blind folded. 

“Is this one of them?” Aof asked.



“We believe he is working for the other side.” Kinn responded as he reached for the laptop to show more photos of Vik photographed with different shipments. 

“How is that possible? How is he alive?”

Zee looked up to Kinn, who had a concerned look on his face.

“What is it? What else is there?”

“Well, after the accident. His body was never found. The police only assumed that his body got washed away. It was never confirmed that he was actually dead.” 

Zee rubbed his forehead as he took in the information. It had been more than 5 years since the accident and he mourned the loss of his family. Vik’s family and his family didn’t always get along, especially Zee and Vik, but they were still family. So he was confused as he saw the picture of his cousin on the screen.

“What do you want to do Khun Zee?” Kinn asked, careful not to say anything that might upset the young master more. 

“Well, there's only one thing that I can do. I have to stop him! He can’t get away with this. Does my father know about this?” Zee looked at Kinn. 

Kinn held a deadpan expression on his face as he looked at Zee. Zee turned away with a sigh. He knew what that meant. He grabbed his phone to ring his father.

*End of flashback*

“The other side?” Zee looked at Aof in shock.

“How did you know?” Aof walked towards the man. The man, who was still blind folded started to thrash.

Aof walked behind him, pulling the cloth from his face. The man squinted his eyes, trying to get his eyes accustomed to the light. 

“Who sent you?” Aof asked from behind.

The man started laughing, spitting on the ground.

“Kill me now. I will never tell you anything.” He looked forward, staring at Zee.

“He’s going to kill you.” 

In a swift movement, the man’s head was pulled back and a blade gilded across his neck, squirting blood everywhere.

“Now, why did you do that? We hadn’t gotten anything from him.” Zee was upset, yet not surprised at how impulsive his uncle was. Aof is his mum’s younger brother and someone very dangerous. He’s known for being impatient and when he is, things tend to get messy.

“He wasn’t going to talk. And he did say to kill him. I was happy to oblige.” Aof spoke, as he took out a handkerchief from his jacket to wipe the blood off his knife.

“Also, he had the tattoo. So, you were never getting him to talk.” Aof pointed out, as Zee walked around the dead body and saw the marking just below the round neck t-shirt he was wearing. 

“So he was part of the organization?” Zee was confused. Why did they hire someone from the group to do something so trivial.

“Not necessarily. It was probably a copy. These young men tend to do that. To show off that they work for the other side. But he’s just a pawn. An expendable casualty.”

Zee turned around, facing Kinn who nodded his head, understanding what needed to be done. 

“Well, I need to tell you something. Vik. He’s alive.” Zee stated as he walked away from the body.

“As in little Viky,” Aof asked in amusement. 

“Wasn’t he dead?” Zee turned to his Uncle with a straight face.

“No! He didn’t die. And now he is working with the other side to destroy me. Exhibit 1.” Zee deadpan as he pointed to the man being dragged away.

“Well that’s not good. The other side is a very powerful organization. You need to be careful.” Aof spoke with seriousness. He never took anything too seriously, but when it concerned his family, he was anything but serious. Especially when one of the most powerful organizations in the country was trying to destroy his family. The police force had tried multiple times to unravel the group, but with money and resources on their side, it was very hard. Also when you have government officials employed by them, it was a no brainer when a judge found favor with a man who raped a young girl, because there wasn’t enough “evidence”. The case was closed and the man walked away free.

“Vik messed up my shipment. I’m pissed.” Zee heard what his Uncle said, but he was upset at how things have been lately. He seemed to be running into dead ends.

“Don’t get too emotional about this. That’s how you get killed. Clear and level headed, always. And now that I’m here, don’t worry about this. I’ve got my team working on it.” When Aof heard that the shipment might’ve been connected with the other side, he reached out to his informants on what was happening. Information was a weapon that he used to extort the truth, so he was gaining more knowledge about the other side which might help his nephew.

“I appreciate the help Uncle.” Zee was thankful for his Uncle’s help, as unethical it may seem sometimes.

“I am starving. Where should we eat today?” Aof placed an arm around his nephew’s shoulder. 

“Sorry Uncle. I’ve got a date.” Aof stepped away from his nephew, looking at him with a shocked expression.

“Don’t tell me that you’re back with that bitch Serena?” Zee frowned upon hearing the name.

“Please. I’d rather you slit my throat right now.” Zee shoved his Uncle.

“No. I have a meeting with someone. And no, I am not telling you who it is.” Zee exclaimed, knowing exactly what his Uncle would ask.

“Ow! Why not? I am dying to know who this person is. Maybe a new love interest?” Zee smiled as he heard this.

“Aha! My nephew has finally opened his heart. Please tell me who it is?” Zee shook his head. Moving away from his Uncle.

“I’m late, so I’ll leave now Uncle.” Zee waied to his Uncle, as he moved past the men, with Kinna and Jeff leading him to his car.

“Don’t forget to invite me to your wedding.” Aof called after Zee, smiling at the thought that maybe his nephew has finally found love.



It’s been too long and I apologize.
But I am back, and I will try to update every week.
It’s only getting more and more intense.

Hope you enjoy reading and leave a comment.

Happy reading.

Big L.O.V.E  🤟🏼

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