Chapter 6

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~To Be Together -2~

Serena pulled up to the driveway. She had been away for a month, finishing up her studies in London. She got out of the car, ordering the staff to put her stuff in her room.

“If one of you gets a scratch on my bags, I’ll leave a scratch on your face.” She shut the door, strutting into the house.

“Sawadee kha Khun Serena. Welcome home.” A man greeted her as she entered the lobby. 

She tossed the man her Gucci handbag, removing her designer sunglasses.

“And you are?” She asked as she walked past the man into the main lounge room.

“My apologies ma’am. My name is King. Your father has appointed me to be your assistant. If you ever need anything, please let me know.”

Serena looked at the man unimpressed, eyeing him from head to toe.

“Well for one. I’d like someone to tell me where the hell Zee is. I was told he’s not in his office and he's not with Max. So if you can tell me where he is this second. You get to be my assistant.” Serena stood face to face with King, in a very threatening stance.

King wasn’t intimidated, and simply got his phone out to show a picture to Serena.

“He is currently on a date with the future leader of Chiang Mai. Khun New posted this to his story 15 minutes ago.”

Serena grabbed the phone from King, looking at the photo with wide eyes. She started laughing, walking away from King.

“Fuel up the jet in 20 minutes. We’re going to Chiang Mai”

*Meanwhile at a restaurant in Chiang Mai*

“Nu, how was your day?” Zee had picked New up from home and they were sitting at a very nice restaurant having dinner.

“Oh, nothing interesting happened today. I just had to go and see the doctor.” New announced nonchalantly. 

“Are you okay?” New looked up from his spaghetti when he heard the worried tone in Zee’s voice.

“Oh, Phi, I'm fine. I just had to get my knees checked out. I pulled a muscle while I was playing soccer. But the doctor said that it’s not broken, which is good, but I’ll just have to go in every week for physical therapy.” Zee stared at New as he spoke, taking in the information, but he also loved hearing his voice.

“I hope it doesn’t hurt.” Zee bent down to see New’s knees.

“It did at first. But it’s healy nicely with physio.”

“I’m glad” Zee smiled sweetly as he heard New speak.

“How about you Phi? How was your day?” Zee hasn’t really spoken about what he does and what it involves to New and he didn’t want to say anything that would ruin their moment, so he detoured around the truth.

“I had some business to take care of today. It was intense, but it had to be done.” It wasn’t exactly the truth, but Zee didn’t know how New would react if he’d lead with “had to witness someone getting killed today.”

“Is that your water business?” New had heard of the successful water business and was curious as to what entailed that business.

“Yes. Had an unpleasant meeting this afternoon. That’s why I was a bit late.”

New hummed in response, understanding. He, as a major in business, understood that conflicts would arise in running a business.

“Would you like to come and see how the water is being processed and made sometime?” Zee saw the excitement light up in New’s eyes and smiled.

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