Chapter 4

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~ToBeTogether - 2~

“This is the final boarding call for passenger Ms Serena Saelim booked on flight 372A to Thailand. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed, and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Ms. Serena Saelim. Thank you.”

“I’m running late. Just hold all the information until I get there. I’ve been away for too long, I’m coming home.”  

She pocketed her phone as she made her way to the gate, feeling a sudden boost of excitement and thrill wash over her body. She was going back home. She was going back to her first and only love.

*Around the same time*

Sunlight crept through the blinds as New stretched out his body. He was happy he was able to sleep in, as he didn’t have any classes. He turned over to his side table and checked his phone, and saw multiple messages from Nat. He immediately swiped his phone to read them.

8:45 am
Good morning, sleepy-head. 

8:45 am
I’m so happy to hear that Nu Kuea has woken up. 

8:46 am
Call me when you get this, I need to tell you something. 

8:47 am

New didn’t even give a second thought as he pressed on Nat’s name to press the facetime button. He eagerly waited for the other’s face to appear, biting his nails in anticipation of the news.

“Ai Nat, what do you need to tell me?” New didn’t even wait for Nat to say anything, the suspense killing him.

“Ow, not even a ‘good morning’ or ‘how are you’? How rude.” Nat teasingly looked away, as if hurt by his best friend's behaviour. 

New wasn’t even fazed as he smiled mischievously, a thought coming to his head.

“You met someone, didn’t you?” Nat did not look too impressed about his friend's observation. New was wiggling his eyebrows, teasing Nat.

“I can’t hide anything from you, can I?” Nat had to put his phone down, as New completely lost himself, upon hearing this new information.

“Meung, I think you woke up the dead cockroaches in my basement. Please, next time you decide to become a human siren, a warning would be nice.” Nat smiled as he cleared his ears of the ringing, caused by New’s scream.

“How! When! Who, and Where?” New was smiling from ear to ear as he asked for privy information about the stranger.

“How, we met at an event last night. When, at midnight. Who? He's a businessman who runs and owns multiple car showrooms in Thailand and where, at the parking lot.” 

New once again lost it, squealing and screaming as he heard his friend talk about his endeavours. Nat was always the more adventurous one, daring and rebellious. New couldn’t help but feel happy for his friend.

“Meung, you need to come for a sleepover tonight because I want to know every little detail about this person.” Nat laughed and agreed about the sleepover.

“I’ll come over tonight after you come back from your date. And you can tell me in detail about what happened last night.” New became a blushing mess as he recalled the activities from last night.

“Ohhhh, I know that look. You did the nasties, didn’t you?” Nat teased, earning a whining pout from New who was debunking the whole thing.

“We didn’t do anything.” New exclaimed, but Nat wasn’t having it, and both laughed as they exchanged pleasant goodbyes and the promise to see each other again at night when a message popped up on New’s screen.

9:00 am
Morning Nu. I’m so excited about our date this afternoon. I’ll come and pick you up around 2:00 pm. See you soon.

(Zee’s POV)

My heart was light as I sent the message to Nu. I was excited for our date and couldn’t contain my excitement as I ripped through my workout session, feeling the adrenaline pumping in my bloodstream as I punched the boxing bag. I had a sparring session with P’Kinn and he couldn’t keep up with my movement, complaining that I was secretly on steroids. 

“You’ve never been this aggressive. What’s changed? What juice are you on?” He accused me as I delivered the final knockout move, resulting in him tapping out.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying very hard not to smile as I put on my boxing gloves and went for the boxing bag. Sweat was dripping down my forehead down to my chest as I moved around the bag, jumping and dancing on my feet. I spun around and brought my knee up to kick the bag, shielding my face as my knee made contact with the bag, then I turned, lifting my left leg and perfectly executing a spinning back kick, then landing on my feet again. My mind was clear, and I could feel my heart racing, palpitating against my ribs.

I grabbed my tumbler and chugged the cool, refreshing water quenching my burning, dry throat. I took some deep breaths to lower my heart rate, which was probably doing 130 - 140 BPM.

I took off the boxing gloves and marched out of the gym, straight to my room to shower. The cold water felt great, loosening the tight knots on my back and shoulder. I did my skin care routine and also shaved. I went into my closet and grabbed the suit that was already prepared, which was a plaid grey suit. I stood in front of the full length mirror, centering my tie, then spraying on my Christian Dior spray, then walking out of my room, downstairs to where P’Kinn was waiting for me and the rest of the entourage. I hopped into the car with the tablet in my hands as the screen showed an interrogation room with a man tied up. 

“He hasn’t spoken yet.” P’Kinn spoke as the car drove out of the gate.

“How do you want to proceed?” 

“I think it's time we called P’Aof. I don’t think he’ll like what’s happened.” I said, as I made eye contact with P’Kinn, who smirked and nodded his head as he grabbed his phone and dialled. 

(End of Zee’s POV)

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