Recruiting the Bishops

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Izuku woke up early and went off to town. He was looking for the bishops.


Lambert: Izuku, I know you just started, but there is a group of bishops who caused some trouble for us in the past, and I feel like they will be great assets to us.

Izuku: So you want me to find them and recruit them?

Lambert: Yes, the first is Leshy, he represents Chaos and is the youngest in the group, be careful since he can burrow underground and launch spikes. Then there is Heket, she represents famine, if you encounter her, be wary of her powerful leaps. Then there is Kallamar, who represents Pestilence, he is also the most cowardly of the group but he is still very powerful. Lastly is Shamura the oldest bishop, they represent Knowledge and War and are well known for speaking in an indirect manner, so try to understand what they say.

Izuku: Why do you refer to Shamura by "they"?

Lambert: Shamura is a non-binary spider so they don't have a gender, but for now get some rest and get ready.

End of Flashback.

Izuku (mind): Thanks to the red crown I was able to locate the bishops, they seem to be weakened after their first encounter with Lambert, but they might still put up a fight.

Izuku walks into an abandoned building and sees four figures covered in shadow.

??? 1: So the red crown has a new bearer, but it seems this one is different.

??? 2: Yes Leshy, it seems this soul is pure and desires not our destruction but our aid.

??? 3: I feel it too Heket, but I'm doubtful of his actions.

??? 4: Nothing becomes 1 becomes 2 becomes 3 becomes 4 becomes 5 once again, the light will guide the fallen to salvation.

Leshy: I agree Shamura, but I feel Kallamar might be right as well, who's to say he won't kill us?

As they stepped out of the shadows Izuku saw them in a weakened state.

As they stepped out of the shadows Izuku saw them in a weakened state

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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