102 - flight plan

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"There's really nothing to explain, Reporter Kim. The CEO just decided to go on a vacation...Doing what? I guess doing whatever people on vacation do, ha ha ha. The CEO has been working nonstop...Could she have timed it on purpose? I'm not sure? But in any case, it's just a short trip."


"It's a popular summer destination, it's not out of the blue...Is she a football fan? I don't know if she is...No, she isn't dating a footballer."


"Running away from what, Reporter Kang? Ha ha ha. It's a vacation...Have you taken a vacation before? Oh...Good for you. I haven't yet..."


"Why does Queens not know her schedule? Ah, Reporter Choi. You're too presumptuous. The board meeting is still for next week. For now she is Seri's Choice CEO so you should be directing calls here...But only if you have questions."


"I can't obviously speak for the airport security. We're sorry if you were shoved, but maybe you shouldn't have gotten too close, Reporter Yong?"


"Your phone is ringing again, Chang-sik."

"Just leave it. These reporters are killing me." Chang-sik groaned. "It's 9 PM!"

"Everyone is really curious about Ms. Yoon." Su-chan turned cut pieces of pork belly around the grill pan, "Has it always been like this?"

"It started getting bad with the Cha Sang-woo dating scandal, but this is a new level." Chang-sik shook his head, his chin wobbling in emphasis. "I'm used to getting calls from Entertainment and Business, but not from National...And Ms. Yoon had to tell me at the last minute, too!"

"Is it an emergency trip?" Su-chan asked, leaving meat to simmer.

"She said it's a vacation...I'm not saying she shouldn't, she needs it...But couldn't she have told me a day and not two hours before her flight?? There's no time even to round up her bodyguards."

"But she did have bodyguards." Su-chan recalled the stocky black-shirted vested men that walked with the heiress side-by-side in the news footage.

"They're airport security. I don't know how she got a hold of them." Chang-sik reached for a soju glass, found it empty, "I guess her captain got them for her but a little heads up would have been good for my heart..."

"Her captain?"

Chang-sik stopped himself, suddenly racking his overworked brain if it was something he already confided or decided not to disclose to his close friend. "Forget I said anything."

Su-chan got the hint and didn't push the matter, anyway he would eventually know all the secrets when he was officially on board.

A soju bottle reappeared on their table and Su-chan picked it up to pour his friend a glass.

"On second thought..." Chang-sik showed his palm and declined with a sad shake of his head. "I'm not drinking. I have to stay awake. Ms. Yoon might call when she lands..."

Su-chan made some mental calculations, "But that's 2 AM?"

"I know." Chang-sik pinched his eyes close with a thumb and a forefinger.

"But...what could she still possibly call about?"

"One thing you need to learn when working with Ms. Yoon is to be ready with anything." Finally allowing himself an hour for sustenance after a half-eaten instant ramyun that lunch, Chang-sik picked up his chopsticks, "I'll sleep the rest of the day. Let's have coffee after this."

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