Chapter Five

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Winifred ran into her room and collapsed onto her bed in a fit of sobs. Her life felt as if it were all crashing down around her in shards of broken dreams. Something was poking into her side and she rolled over to extract the chocolate tin box from her dress pocket. With a deep scowl marring her tear-stricken face, she glared down at it, seeing it only as a reminder of the eccentric Marquess.

"Oh to hell with you!" She snapped, throwing the pretty box across the room. It banged and rolled against the wooden floor boards right past the carpet's edge, knocking it open and scattering hearts of chocolate everywhere.

Collapsing against her coverlet once more, she buried her face underneath her arms and cried until she had no more energy to even utter a sound. Finally picking herself up from the bed, she took lethargic steps towards her writing desk to write out a letter to Thomas explaining everything. Surely he had a solution...but what could she honestly expect from him?

Marriage? Complete abandonment from everyone and everything she knew? A new life? A brand new adventure? A new her?

She did not dwell on the negative repercussions of the future, because truly anything would be better than marrying Lord Fenwick. She would rather sail to the ends of the world than walk down an aisle towards him!

Shuddering at the thought, she finished the last lines of her letter before placing the paper down and reaching for her bottle of perfume. Squeezing a couple puffs onto the parchment, she lifted it up and shook it gently. After folding it over, she sealed it with her family's wax crest.

"Please rescue me." She whispered, clasping the letter to her heart before sending it off with her maid.


The next day, Winifred was overtaken with dress fittings, shopping ventures for new jewelry, slippers, bonnets and stockings. All her belongings were being packed away to be sent to Lord Fenwick's estate after the wedding and she couldn't keep up with the changes fast enough. She felt panicked, overwhelmed and nauseous with dread.

Her maid had assured her Mr. Braxton had recieved her letter, yet the dear man had yet to send a reply or any sign at all. The anticipation was unnerving. She told herself to trust him, that he loved her and would most assuredly come through. After all, he had told her she was his and no other man- especially Lord Fenwick- would ever have her.

When nightfall came, she lay in her bed with the coverlet pulled up to her mouth. She tried not to think of the morning. When it came...she could possibly be Lady Fenwick. No. Never.

A light tapping noise came from the closed French doors that led to her balcony and she bolted upright in her bed. A gasp tore from her throat at the sight of Thomas standing there in the glow of the moonlight.

On her balcony!

"O-open the door!" His muffled voice called through the glass.

Winifred immediately threw off the coverlet and bounded towards the glass doors in her white night gown and her hair in a loose, frizzy braid down her back. Her heart felt instantly light and happy at the sight of him.

Yanking both doors open, she exclaimed in a loud whisper, "Thomas!"

Thomas immediately pulled her into his arms, caressing her hair with one broad hand as he answered in a hushed murmur, "Yes, darling. I came as soon as I could, but we haven't much time."

"I know, I am to be married in the morning! What are we to do?" She looked up at him with helpless eyes. He tightened his embrace around her as he suddenly kissed her soundly.

Leaning back, he whispered hoarsely, "Marry me. Run away with me this night and I shall take us to Gretna Green. By nightfall tomorrow, you will become my wife. Say you will, Darling."

"Oh Thomas!" Winifred whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him close, "Yes, my love. A million yesses! I still have some of my bags packed already."

Thomas kissed her again and walked into the bedroom with her, looking around at the heaps of luggage. Turning back to her, he voiced quietly, "Only take what you need. The rest I can buy for you later. Quickly now, my carriage is waiting just down the block."

Winifred set to packing a tiny case only filled with one night's worth of provisions, smiling all the while and feeling renewed in her spirits. Finally the world was opening up to her and she was no longer the boring, dull daughter of an Earl with a bleak future ahead of her. Duty be damned, although...she would miss her family. Perhaps they would forgive her some day.

But then there was Emily. Would she ever see her dearest friend again?

Of course she would!

She would leave one and only one letter for Ems. Only she would know the truth of her escape. She deserved to know. With her plan set, she hurriedly finished packing and left a single letter inside the secret cupboard of her writing desk.

Moving to the balcony with Thomas, she followed him over the ledge and down the tree beside the house. They were two shadows in the night, dropping from the lowest branch and running to the carriage waiting around the bend beneath the blanket of stars. And in her flight of escape, her heart sang aloud with joy.

She would soon be Mrs. Winifred Baxter and the world would be an open door.


The cathedral bells clanged joyously throughout the city. Carriages lined up in a long procession outside the grand wooden doors and throngs of guests were still arriving. The pews were filled and many had to stand outside the church in order to take part.

The Earl Caldwell and his wife sat in the front pew watching the Marquess stand alone at the front of the church, his back turned to everyone. Lady Caldwell batted her fan aggressively while her husband leaned over.

"Where is our daughter? She is over half an hour late!"

"Miss Lambert is supposed to be accompanying her after they finish getting her ready in her bridal gown. I'm sure they were simply pressed for time, dear. Besides I saw the girl arrive this morning to assist her while we were leaving. Everything is quite fine."

Emily Lambert suddenly rushed through the double doors with a ghostly white face. Striding up the aisle in her bridesmaid gown, she held a letter clasped between her fingers. She walked up to the front row and bent down to Lady Caldwell, whispering in her ear and showing her the letter. The older woman skimmed her eyes quickly over the paper before emitting a horrified gasp.

Lord Fenwick turned to look at her before stepping down from the alter and walking towards her. With an expressionless face, he took the letter from her hands and read it quietly to himself. Emily took a fleeting step back from him as she wrung her hands together nervously.

After he finished reading, he looked up at no one in particular, lifelessly handing the letter back to Lady Caldwell. Then he turned and walked right out of the church. The moment the doors closed behind him, hundreds of voices erupted into confusion and gossip.

"Where the hell does he think he's going?!" The Earl Caldwell yelled with a hot face, shooting to his feet.

"Oh dear...oh dear." Emily repeated over and over with one delicate hand pressed to her temple.

"God, why have you forsaken us?!" Lady Caldwell cried out with both fists raised in the air.

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