Chapter Six

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The road was bumpy, slushy from a fresh rain and the carriage itself was devoid of even seat cushions, making the journey to Gretna Green a very uncomfortable one. The day had dragged by relentlessly to Winifred. It seemed like they had been traveling for hours without rest. From the early hours of morn till late in the twilight of evening, they only ever stopped for quick bodily breaks and to change out the team of horses for fresh ones.

"Is it much longer now?" She asked Thomas as he stared out the window at the passing scenery. Dropping his hand from his chin, he turned to smile at her, letting his eyes roam appreciatively down her body clad in a traveling dress and cloak.

"Only another day or so. We're approaching an Inn up ahead. Just for tonight, we can rest there." He answered in a relaxed voice.

Winifred beamed with happiness. Soon, very soon they would be married. Dreams and wishes truly could be granted, Thomas was living proof. The man was her hero, her protector, and soon-to-husband. They would have a happy life somewhere in a happy cottage and raise happy, little children.

The carriage rolled up to a traveling Inn. Opening the door, Winifred saw the ground was grassless and muddy with a scattering of rain still lingering in the windy air. A strong gust of cold wind hit her in the face and she winced as she climbed down from the carriage steps. Thomas jumped out behind her and turned to pay the driver.

While she waited for him, she gazed up at the dreary, weathered traveling inn. Two gas lamps cast a faint glow, making each tiny rain drop visible as it fell to the muddy ground in front of the two-story wooden building. A set of stables sat next to the Inn where several drivers, stablehands and drunks caroused beneath the ram-shackle awning.

Although she found her surroundings entirely dismal and drafty, it could do nothing to dampen her elated hopes. Thomas walked up beside her, placing a hand around her waist.

"Are you ready?" He asked in her ear, his evening stubble tickling the skin. She looked up at him and smiled with bliss.

"Of course. I'm so thankful to be out of that awful carriage."

He exuded a coy smile, drawing her closer against him as they walked up to the doors of the Inn. "I promise I shall make you feel much more comfortable tonight, darling."

Winifred laughed lightly, covering her mouth with her hand while they entered the Inn. Thomas approached the Innkeeper at the bar.

"One room for the night." He told the man, handing him a few shillings. The Innkeeper glanced at Winifred briefly with an arched brow before taking the coins and handing Thomas a key.

"Up the stairs, first door on the left." He grunted beneath a bushy mustache, walking away to hand off pints of ale to his other customers.

Thomas turned to Winifred with a smile and quick wink, leading the way up the stairs to their designated room. Inside the plain, unpainted room, there was a single bed with cream linen blankets and a porcelain wash basin beside it. Across the bed was a tiny table and two wooden chairs. A single wax stick candle adorned the tabletop.

Winifred thought it was perfect.

Thomas pulled her inside and closed the door behind them, locking it with the key. Turning to face her, he yanked her up against his chest until their faces were inches apart. "God, finally. I've been waiting forever for this moment. Now I get to have you all to myself."

Winifred giggled and pushed both her hands against his chest playfully backing him away from her. "Wait, there is still a problem." She pointed to the bed with a blushing face, "There is only one bed!"

Thomas followed her finger before sliding his eyes back to her. The corner of his lip quirked before he leaned in to press his lips to her neck, kissing it languidly. "That is entirely the point, darling." His tongue slipped out, delicately tracing her neck between soft kisses, "We're going to be as close as we want tonight. There are no barriers nor rules here. Just you, me and that sweet, sweet bed."

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