Episode 6: Stopping an attack

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Right now, we can see Druella who was pondering on what she should do. A lot has happened ever since she had found out about the three sword users.

She had gotten word from the Rescue Mamono that they had Eristia barely alive and that her husband, Yuriy, had been killed. And it was likely by the three sword users. And because of this, Eristia was now in a huge state of distress

Druella growled at this. She could not let this slide. She wanted to get revenge on those sword users.

However, her thoughts were cut off when the door opened and she saw an Alp entering the room.

However, her thoughts were cut off when the door opened and she saw an Alp entering the room

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Alp: Druella! I bring important news you need to know!

Druella looked at the Alp curiously.

Druella: Is that so? What may that be?

Alp: The town of the Seven Prodigies has been attacked two times!

Druella was shocked by that. Normally, the town of the Seven Prodigies was unable to be attacked, but this was just something out of a dream.

Druella: By who?

Alp: We're not exactly sure...But according to an Kunoichi, they were attacked by crystal dragon, and armored soldiers. This had weakened their defences.

Druella was shocked but then a smirk grew on her face. That town had been one she had wanted to conquer for a long time, but couldn't due to the fact it had such high defenses. Now, she can finally act while she has the chance.

Druella: Do get an army ready. This is finally the time that we can strike!

Alp: Yes, Druella.

The Alp left as Druella smirked. After all this time. The town of the Seven Prodigies will finally be hers.

Right now, we can hear yawning as we see Akeru waking up from his sleep.

Akeru: Man, that was the best sleep I had in a while.

Akeru heard snoring as he saw that Leaf was sleeping next to him. Well, more like cuddling him in her sleep.

Akeru smiled upon seeing this. It was nice to see that Leaf had gotten used to this world. And he sure had gotten used to this world too.

Well, aside from the fact the mamono, the people here seemed nice. And he knew that he had to make sure they wouldn't be taken away from the mamono who lusted after them. It didn't sit right with him by the fact that things like the mamono existed and had made a big deal.

Akeru: I'll make sure they won't continue to do this.

Akeru soon got out of bed before heading to meet up with Aether who was busy training outside but then soon sees him.

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