Episode 10: The world for a Gundam

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Right now, we can see what appeared to be a large village that was far from the kingdom of Dragonia. This village seemed to have a large wall in front of it in order to make sure that no matter what, nothing would enter the village and cause trouble for the people that lived in this village.

But you my be wondering on why was this village heavily protected, and who exactly was the one that was protecting this village.

Well, it was none other than the warrior himself, Blade Zero Gundam. He made sure to make this village for people who had nowhere to go, and he trained people here to make sure they were ready for combat against the dragon mamono or any other manono that would come here and try to take anyone here.

But you may be wandering though, how did he end up in this world? And why was he doing all of this? And more importantly, how did he arrive here?

Well, it was a long story.

You see, Zero was once a normal man named Kazuya Shinku, he was a fan of various series, but Gundam was the one he was mostly interested with. His favourite Gundam was the one from the SD series known as Blade Zero Gundam.

But one day, while he was heading home from doing a job at work, he saw a woman who was about to killed by a crazed man, so he jumped in to help. And while he did save the woman, he ended up dying in the process.

However, what surprised him was that he somehow was reincarnated into this world. But not in the way one would expect. As it turned out he was now his favorite Gundam, the Blade Zero Gundam.

But his welcome was far from friendly as he had to deal with the actions of the Mamono who wanted to try and rape him into their husband, and he was attacked by the Order as they believed he was a monster sympathizer.

But his biggest problem was with the Mamono from Dragonia. When he was traveling in order to get away from the chaos that came from the Order and the Mamono, he soon arrived into Dragonia and found travelers who were being attacked by the dragon Mamono. So he went in and defeated the dragon mamono and saved the men who were being attacked.

Eventually, Zero managed to find a home thanks to the men he saved wanting to repay him. And in return, Zero continued to protect the men from the Dragon mamono that continued to try and take them.

And even though an attack from Dragonia hasn't happened in 50 years, Zero still knows to remain cautious as one day, just one day, anything can happen. And Zero just hopes that he would be ready for when that day does happen and so are the people here so that they fight back against them.

Because Zero had heard rumors about a war that was currently going around. The mamono were going after a trio of swordsmen that have mysterious powers and have united with the Town of the Seven Prodigies in order to fight against the mamono. And things would only escalate further when the Order soon got involved as they sent knights and were assisted by the Valkyries in order to attack the said town, but was saved by an new alliance that the three swordsmen made.

Zero could feel that something was going to happen. And whatever it was going to be, he wanted to make sure that he could protect the people when it was happening. After all, these rumors were now spreading like wildfire, and Zero felt that they were real. And to be fair, he was now in a world where various beings with magic existed, so anything was now possible at this point.

But one thing that really interested him was the fact there was a large purple crystal dragon that was flying around. It had previously attacked the said town that was now the center of attention. Zero figured it couldn't be one of the dragon mamono due to the fact how it was described. He had seen the full dragon forms of dragon mamono before, and none of them had a look like that. So whatever it was, it was out there, and could be waiting to attack again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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