Chapter 24

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"Sit." My mother commanded as Bobbi and I stood awkwardly in the living room.

The minute, "We need a place to stay," left my mouth, my mother ushered us inside and swooped into the kitchen to bring us both a cool glass of Ice Tea and a plate of cheese and crackers. I wasn't exactly in the mood for something to eat, considering all that I've been through today, but rejecting food from my mother wouldn't have been smart, so I sucked it up, and ate my cheese and crackers. They actually made me feel better.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality, Mrs. Jaxon," Bobbi said politely accepting a tall glass of Ice Tea from my mom. We were sitting next to each other on the couch

"Oh please," my mother blushed, "call me Katherine."

Kitty ran into the living up and barked at my legs.

Just then, I remembered how the last time I saw her, she was warning me about Feather's guards.

I patted Kitty gently on the head.

"Thanks for nothing, you no good mutt," I muttered low enough for her to hear. Instantly, Kitty retreated back to my mom who was sitting in a chair in front of us, her legs crossed like a business woman.

"So," she said kindly, with her voice sounding a little on the edge, "care to explain what's going on here?"

"Well..." I began hesitantly, "we can't exactly go back to our old place because Mr. Flores has gone..." I paused to search for the right word, " do I say this? Would 'cray-cray' be too rude to of a word?"

My mother frowned. She leaned back in her chair. "So...what you're telling me is that you got fired, and you've been living with a girl behind my back for the past month?"

"Actually, there were four girls," I corrected without thinking. My mother disapprovingly narrowed her eyes at me, so I quickly added, "But one was twelve! And there were guys around too!"

"This doesn't sound like a business trip to me."

"It's really complicated," Bobbi said trying to help me out, "a lot has happened to us over the past few weeks."

"I'm sorry, honey, but what's your name?" my mother asked looking at Bobbi curiously.

Bobbi gave a friendly smile. "My name's Bobbi."

My mother's mouth formed a wide O. I suddenly regretted telling my mom about my crush on Bobbi...

"You're Bobbi?" my mother gasped, "Oh my god! You're gorgeous!"

"Um, thank you," Bobbi said looking down, embarrassed.

My mother turned over to me. "Milo, she is gorgeous!"

"Ha, ha," I said through a forced smile, "I think she gets it mom..."

"I mean really, and I thought Tawny was know ...but Bobbi here is just so much more –"


"But I'm just saying, Milo she looks way out of your –"


"Right, right, I'm sorry," My mom said bashfully, "ahem. Now, anywho, we're not done with this conversation, but you two are more than welcomed to stay here as long as you need."

"Great!" I said standing to my feet. That was all I needed to hear. "Come on, Bobbi, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

"Which is not in your room, I hope" My mother said sternly as I lead Bobbi to the stairs.

"I know mom," I said distantly.

 "You know the rules Milo!" she called with a giggle, "No sex in the house!"

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