001. the mission

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     RHEA ANTILLES AWOKE in her Jedi quarters, everyday like the very same since she was a mere fourteen year old girl

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RHEA ANTILLES AWOKE in her Jedi quarters, everyday like the very same since she was a mere fourteen year old girl. The Courscant prime shone through the open window. Usually Rhea would stay up all night looking at the stars, specifically, her homeworld. She always gazed upon the glistening speck in the twilight skies, a small smile plastered on her face. At night, she shuddered in her sleep, dreaming of climbing the trees in the garden with her little sister.

She knew attachment was wrong, but she missed her parents. She missed their laughs, and their hugs warming her as the very sun is doing to her right now. Her Jedi quarters were quite spacious, the room had three windows, a bay-window effect. Rhea slipped on her Jedi robes, her robes were dark blue, showing Alderaanian colors. She gripped her necklace, a small blue kyber crystal that her mother had gifted her when she was young.

Rhea was not sure how her mother had gotten it, as she was the only Jedi in her family. The necklace was the only thing the council had let her keep to remember her parents. She put her boots on aswell, heading out of her room while the door hissed closed behind her. The Jedi temple had very vast walls, painted with golden colors and small markings.

The interior of the Jedi Temple was a place of great significance to the Jedi Order. The walls were adorned with intricate designs that reflected the Jedi's noble minds, and the halls were lined with ancient scrolls that contained a vast collection of knowledge and information. The temple was a place of meditation and reflection, where the Jedi could connect with the Force and find balance between the light and dark sides. The temple was a symbol of hope for the galaxy, and it was a sanctuary for the Jedi's might.

When she stood in the Jedi Temple, Rhea swore she could hear the Jedi who had come before her. Encouraging her, making her feel so at home that she wouldn't long for Alderaan as much. But still, on those cold days, she reached for an Alderaanian cowl. Letting it sit softly on her shoulders, or on missions to snowy planets, she would gaze upon the glistening snow. Wondering if she'd ever return home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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