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You finally got a promotion that you moved you up to one of the finest companies in the country

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You finally got a promotion that you moved you up to one of the finest companies in the country.

Your new job wants you to assist one of the marketing supervisors, Miguel O'Hara.

Miguel O' Hara isn't a very like-able person.. He's popular for his arrogance and bad judgment in people. But due to his attractiveness, girls turn a blind eye to it.

Some may call it a curse, others call it a blessing that you have to work with him. You think it's not bad at first as he really doesn't care for your existence.

You don't exact start to feel for him like any girl that works for him would. You really didn't get the hype about him.

You tend to do small gestures for people no matter who they were. That's just your personality.

He notices your small gestures every now and then, which always makes you feel good inside.

You noticed that, whenever you're around him you always feel tingly. Like butterflies were flying around in your stomach.

Sure, it can be nervousness you feel for being in a new work environment. Or, the somewhat tension you have between your boss.

You both having said or did anything inappropriate. So why were you feeling these, "inappropriate" feelings?

It was one evening where you both had to work overnight. Mr. Brown, wanted a progress report by the next meeting. Which was scheduled the next morning at 8:30.

Miguel sighed as he typed on the computer. For some reason, he felt stressed through the entire day. He needed something to ease his mind. Or even distract it.

You were standing near the printer, waiting for it to finish copying charts.
"Mr. O'Hara?" You said. The area was very low-light, as the only light source was your desk lamp.

The office lights were on a time schedule - the turn on a certain time and they turn off a certain time.

It was almost midnight and you still have a long time to go.

"Yes, Y/N?" Miguel responded as he stared at his computer. "I know, I might seem out of pocket to say this.."

"Go on." There was a hint of annoyance in his voice. He's usually calm or cracking jokes sometimes whenever you both work overnight.. What was making him so grumpy?

"Is something bothering you? You seem kinda stressed right now.." You said with a calm tone.

"It's none of your concern." He replied, gettin up from his desk. Miguel walked over to the copy machine and stood next to you.

You looked at him with pleading eyes, "It kinda is." He looked at you with a look you've never seen before. It wasn't a mean or stern look.

It was more of a subtle expression. Yet it was somehow seductive.

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