04 - ' darling'

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"What took you so long?" Miguel said waiting for you to come inside

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"What took you so long?" Miguel said waiting for you to come inside.

"Babe, stop being so impatient." You said trying to make your way up the stairs. "It's not easy walking in heels."

"Oh, it's not gonna be easy after I rail you." Miguel came down the stairs and picked you up. Bridal style.

"Oh, you're so funny." You gave him a kiss on his cheek which left a lipstick mark. "I know." He smiled, kissing you on the lips.

As soon as he closed the door, he sat you on a table. Knocking down a flowerpot, accidentally.

"Miggy!" You pulled away. "What? It'll live." Miguel replied, kissing you. "Don't worry about the plant darling."

He slid his hands under your long sliver dress. His hand reached your opening, rubbing it gently. It was enough to make you moan softly.

"Miguel.." You placed your hands on his chest. He moved your undie to the left, giving him access to your clit.

Miguel got on his knees and started to flick you with his tongue. Your hands grabbed his hair, tugging on it.

He grabbed your hips, bringing them closer to his face. "Mm, so sweet." Miguel whispered. You smiled as you moan over and over again.

You body was jerking, you felt yourself getting close. "Miguel.." He entered two fingers in your hole, making you scream.

"Warn me... first!" You said in between moans. "Darling, you like it." He stood up, connecting his lips with yours.

His other hand held your neck as you harshly make out. He was thrusting his fingers inside you, making you squirm.

"Fuck." You whispered. But Miguel only went faster. Your body jerked up and released. Miguel smiled.

Your chin rested on his shoulder. He picked you up, walking you both to the bedroom. He laid you down on the bed.

He slid a condom on before entering your hole. "Aw shit." Miguel moaned. "Darling, you're so tight."

He began to pound slowly, while kissing your lower back. A moan slipped out of your mouth, "Go fast."

A smirk was on Miguel's face as he gradually got faster. The clapping sound echoed in the room as y'all moan.

"Shit." Miguel moaned, throwing his head back. "Yeah. Yeah." You moaned as your back started to arch.

The pleasure was too good for you guys to even say anything. "I'm close.." You moan. "Me too." Miguel went to his fastest speed, resulting in you both cumming.

You laid on the bed, Miguel falling next to you. He kissed your neck all the way down to your boobs, sucking on them.

You rubbed his tip which made him slip out a moan. "Y/N.." You laughed as you kiss him.

It soon became a small make out session but with your hand stroking his dick softly. "Keep going faster, darling."

You smiled as stoked his dick with increased speed. His hips jerked upwards, his hands gripped the sheets. You kissed him again as he moaned over and over.

You started to lick it, which made him reach his climax. He smiled at you before touching your body gently. Eventually pulling you into a hug.

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