02 - ' call me mommy '

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You and your boyfriend come back from a party, drunk

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You and your boyfriend come back from a party, drunk. You both couldn't drive so your friend had to call a uber.

"Miguel.." You rubbed your eyes as you grabbed his hand. "What?" He stumbled over himself, trying to follow you.

"You guys need serious help." Your friend Gwen laughed. You yawned loudly. You were so ready to go home and get some rest.

The uber driver finally arrived. You forgot your address and Miguel was so drunk he got mad at the uber driver for not knowing.

Gwen put the address in and sent you guys home. "Byeee~ Gwen." You said waving out the  window.

It was a nice and relaxing ride you thought. "Y/N.." It was the first time you heard Miguel speak so quiet like. As he is always loud and enthusiastic.

You turned to him confused. He immediately pressed his lips against yours. You couldn't think so you kissed him back, ultimately leading into a small make out session.

Miguel's hand caressed your thigh as you two slowly make out. A few minutes later you arrived at your apartment.

You thank the driver and make your way inside the complex. You find yourself struggling to walk up the stairs - being drunk and walking in heels is a bad combination. 

Miguel helped you up the stairs all the way to the apartment door. You dig through your purse trying to find the key but soon got distracted.

Miguel started giving you neck kisses which in the moment, felt so good. "Miguel.. Let me open the.. door."

Miguel ignored you and continued kissing your neck. Making his way to your nape and eventually going down your exposed back.

You find the house key and unlocked the door.

As soon as you two entered the house, you two got back to what you first started. Miguel picked you up and pinned you against the wall.

He held your waist tightly against his body. He kissed you passionately as the smell of the sweet smell of champagne mixed with his cologne filled the atmosphere.

Walking to the bedroom, he plopped you on the bed, waisting no time to strip. He quickly got on the bed, kissing you again.

You bite on his lip as you slid your hands down to his boxers. You gently stroke his dick, making him whimper. He isn't the type to whimper which took you by surprise.

You kinda wanted to take the opposite to try this "new thing" out. It was amazing to hear him whimper since he always tries to hide it.

You gradually increase your speed, making his hips rock. "Shit." he moaned. He grabbed your head, pulling you into a kiss.

He started to moan softly in your ear which turned you on greatly. "Y/N.."

You noticed he's more soft-like rather then dominant and hard. You loved this side of him, you thought it was finally your turn to be rough on him.

He sucked on one of your nipples as you stroke him even faster. He grabbed your hair tightly, "Y- Y/N.."

Whimpering and stuttering? This was your opportunity to have dominance over him.

His dick was throbbing, ready to ejaculate. As he was close, you stopped. Stopping his urge to cum.

He looked at you confused which made you smile. "My name is mommy, not Y/N."

Almost every woman has a mommy kink, just 9/10 times they deny it.
You took his dick and shoved it in your mouth. He moaned at the act.

"Faster.." He moaned. "Who am I?" You weren't going to do anything he said until he called you, "Mommy. You're mommy." He moaned, throwing his head back.

You loved the fact he wasn't the dominate, control-freak you usually fuck when he's sober, but submissive and obedient when he's drunk.

You licked his tip back and forth, making him go crazy. "Mm, Mommy." he moaned once again.

He was at his climax and released. He continued panting as he flipped you over. He rubbed your clit, which immediately had you moaning for more.

He quickly inserted three fingers into your hole. "Fuck Miguel." He was going at a fast pace that your body craved so dearly.

"Ooo." Miguel cooed. "How does mommy like it now?" he gave a little smirk. You rock your hips as you feel yourself getting tight.

Before you release, Miguel quickly entered himself inside your hole. "Is this good, Mommy?"

Which each thrust it was hard and pleasurable. You tugged on his hair as he pounded your pussy.

Hot liquids start to seep out, making your entrance wet. "I'm close.." You whispered as your body twitched.

Wet noises, moans, and groans filled the room as you both reach your climax. He pulled out as his cum flowed out of your pussy.

Miguel helped you up, putting you in the doggy position. "This is Mommy's favorite right?"

You scoffed, "So you were just acting huh?" Miguel shook his head, "Nah, I'm just sobering up. You had me in the first 30 minutes. I actually called you Mommy?"

He shoved his dick in you, making you yelp. "Call me daddy then, hm?" He kissed your lower back as he started to thrust inside you.

"We should fuck drunk more often you think?" He asked, as you moan for more. The pleasure was so good, you couldn't think. You were still drunk, sobering up as time passed.

Miguel pulled you up holding you, as he fucks you from behind. He sucks on your neck as you start to squirm.

"I'm so fucking close.." He moaned in your ear. "Fuck mommy." He started to go crazy fast, making you moan repeatedly.

Your bodies both paused and jerked. He pulled out with cum dripping from his tip. You laid him down on the bed, getting on top of him.

You insert him into your hole, feeling immediate satisfaction. "Fuck daddy." You moaned accidentally.

He smirked, "Oh I wanna hear that again." You rolled your eyes. "Like you haven't been calling me Mommy this past hour."

You gripped his arms as you rock your hips. His throbbing dick felt so good inside you. Miguel's hands guided you to rock faster.

You started to whimper as you feel yourself getting more sensitive. "Fuck.." Your lower body starts to twitch once again.

You started to bounce making the clapping noise that your neighbors could probably hear.
"C'mon Mommy. Faster." Miguel ran his hands through his hair.

One hand gripped the sheets as he felt himself getting close. "Fuck Fuck Fuck.." He rocked your hips even faster, making you go crazy.

Both of your bodies jerked as it releases.

Miguel panted as you pulled him out of you. You laid down beside him, soon pulled into his embrace.

"I love you, Y/N." Miguel confessed, caressing your body gently. "I love you too, Miguel." You said as you dozed off into a slumber.

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