06 - ' long time'

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Your boyfriend Miguel, went on a business trip with his co-worker Peter

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Your boyfriend Miguel, went on a business trip with his co-worker Peter. It's been a few months since you last saw him but he's finally coming back today.

He texted you,
The plane just landed.
Can't wait to see you <3

You smile at your phone as you wait near the gate. He told you that he finally grew out his hair, since he never had time to get a haircut.

Seeing your boyfriend was already exciting.
But him with long hair? You thought he would be 10x attractive.

About 15 minutes pass by.
You waited for him to find you.

You almost didn't recognize him when he called your name. "Y/N!" he said with a smile on your face.

A big glee was planted on your face.
"Miguel!" You ran to him with open arms.
"I missed you so much." He said squeezing you.

"I missed you too." You smiled.
"But what is all this?" You touched his long hair. He laughed, "Should I cut it?"

You shook your head, "No, no. It's so handsome." He laughed once again.

"I bet Layla misses her papa."
You guys both laugh, "Yes she's been sleeping on top of your hoodie and barking."
"It's been too long since I've seen that fur ball."


After a 35 minute drive, you guys finally arrived home.
"Home sweet home." Miguel said before looking at you. You gave him a warm smile.

He put his suitcase near the stairs before laying on the couch. "Ah, this feels nice."
Layla started to bark and jump on the couch.

"Hey fur ball." Miguel said, trying to avoid her licks. "I just got facial done!"
You laugh at him as you went into the kitchen.

"Miggy, come here!" You said.

You took out a cake that you had made for him.
"Welcome back home!"
It said on the cake in the color he hated the most: Pink.

"You got food? I'm starving."
Miguel entered the kitchen, holding Layla.

He looked at cake, trying to process what it said. A fat smile appeared on his face,
"You made this for me?"
You nodded. "Kinda. Your mom came and helped."

He leaned in to give you a small kiss.
Layla was trying to lick the icing.
"Layla, give mommy a kiss."

He put the brown poodle in your face.
You smiled at her, she was one of your favorite things about the world.

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