Part 1. That Strange Light In The Sky

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Universe 1. Aka: Sonic The Hedgehog

It was a peacful day in Greenhill. Well except for the fact that eggman was attacking again. He had made a new machine to take over the world harnessing the master emeralds power. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Shadow were all on their way to stop him.

Sonic: "How Long till we get to baldys base?"

Tails: "about 1000 miles to go!"

Sonic: "so we're almost there? Awesome!"

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Shadow all sped off and in minutes they had made it to Eggmans base. They Bust through the door as they saw Eggman maliciously sitting in his chair. Sinisterly smiling

Eggman: "heh heh heh heh heh..... Welcome Sonic.... TO YOUR DOOM!"

Metal Sonic instantly bashed into Sonic as the two collided with fists. Shadow and Knuckles charged towards Eggman but were blocked by a incredibly strong dome. They started smashing at it to try to break it. But to no evail. Tails flew about the base. Trying to find out what Eggman was happening and where the master emerald was.


Shadow: "dammit none of our attacks are working! It's like our moves are just beings ignored!"

With Metal Sonic And Sonic

Sonic: "Heh! You may know everything I'm going to do! But that means i know everything you're going to do! Strange isn't it- wait a minute. Why do i get a sense of Deja Vu?"

Eventually Tails found out what was going on and flew straight back to the rest of them.

Tails: Guys! Eggmans built a massive chaos energy infused bomb! If it detonates it'll kill all life on the planet!"

Eggman: "so you're smarter than you look Fox boy! You guessed right! This dome is built to protect me from any incoming damage! Once that bomb goes off you'll all perish! And with Metal Sonic And My badniks at my side! We'll build up from the ruins and a Eggman empire will rule! This planet shall be fully robotozied! And nothing can stop me! HAHAHAHHAHA!"

Sonic:" You Seriously think thats gonna work? I'm the fastest thing alive! I'll just remove the Master Emerald lickity split!"

Eggman:"do you take me for a fool Hedgehog? Of course I'd think of that. Which is why, i used some of the chaos energy the masters emerald sent off to make an electric field, which incinerates anything that touches it around the emerald! Nothing you can do can stop me now Sonic!"

Shadow:"Doctor....this time you've gone too far!"

Knuckles: "the bastards bluffing! I know he is"

Tails: "i wish i could say he was knuckles......"

Sonic: "well... We're not going down without a fi-"

Before Sonic could finish his sentence, a massive boom could be heard from outside. They all ran to see what it was to see a purple light in the sky.

Knuckles: "What in the hell?"

Shadow: "What is that! Is this you Doctor?"

Eggman: "Surprisingly no! I have no idea what that could be!"

Sonic: "its so blinding!"

Then suddenly the purple light exploded and a massive white shockwave consumed everything. They all tried to outrun it. With them all being consumed. One by one. Until it was just Sonic And Metal Sonic left

Sonic: "Metal..... Its just... You and I! Despite our feuds... No matter what happens just know. You have my respect...."

Metal Nodded as to say he agreed as Sonic Smiled. Insantly the white shockwave consumed them too.....

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