Part 5. 3 Of Our Heroes Meet!

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The final purple lightning bolt shoots down next to the class 1-A dorms. It leaves a crater in the ground. And who else but Son Goku layed in the crater. He stood up as he looked at his surroundings. He did not recognise it.

Goku: "Woah there. Where in the world am i? This isn't home? I wonder what happened to Gohan and Goten? And everyone else. Eh I'm sure they're fine! First of all. Lets find out where i am!"

Goku had a concentrated expression on his face as he examined his surroundings. He didn't recognise anything.

Meanwhile In the dorms...

Bakugo: "the fuck is that?"

Sonic: "excuse me i am a hedgehog! Not a That"

Sonic smirked

Sonic: "also maybe watch ya mouth there buddy. There is a child on the premises"

Bakugo: "it talks?!"

Izuku: "calm down Kacchan! Its probably just due to its quirk! Like Tokoyami!"

Sonic: "again what are quirks dude?!"

Iida: "i must say. Even if its due to his quirk he has body deformity it doesn't give him an excuse to just barge into the dorms! What if hes a villain!"

Kirishima: "Exactly!"

Denki: "yeah how about you explain your self you strange tiny porcupine!"

Sonic: "wow you guys are so kind. Okay so if you all would just give me a few Seconds to explain."

Sonic instantly started darting around the place speaking really fast.

Sonic: "Mynameissonicsonicthehedgehogandimfrommobiuswhereismobiusyouaskwellitsanotherplanetimassumingidkthisplacehasalotofdifferentthingstombiusanywaysilandedinfrontofthatuabuildingthereandimeteriimassumingyouknowerisincesheliveshereapparentlyanywaysshesmyfriendnowandshewantstohelpmetheredoyouallunderstand?"

(props to anyone who understands that)

That just made everyone more confused as they defensively stood up and guarded Eri.

Eri: "wait wait! Its true! Mr Sonic is My friend!"

Bakugo: "you Don't know what they're really like Eri! They could be faking it! To get into UA!"

Izuku: "Kacchan has a point. Just stay behind us Eri"

Sonic: "you guys are really defensive huh?"

Iida: "we've had too many incidents to just let our guards down all the time!"

Sonic: "don't worry guys im safe! In fact I'm the saviour of Mobius!"

Todoroki: "and what proof and reasons do we have to trust you?"

Sonic: "uh. Well. My words...?"

Todoroki: "Sometimes words aren't enough."

They all looked ready to attack Sonic. Any moment. They've been betrayed before. Not again.

Eventually the front door was burst open. As a tall figure stood through it. It was Goku!

Goku: "Hey there!"

Bakugo: "the hell?! Another one!?"

Izuku: "at least this guy looks friendly..... Enough"

Sonic: "Hey there big guy! I'm Sonic! Sonic The Hedgehog!"

Goku: "Names Goku!"

Everyone started to relax a bit as they wwre just confused now.

Izuku: "Wait... How did you get here?"

Goku: "oh i woke up in some strange crater outside this building! I don't know where i am so i thought I'd ask for help!"

Izuku: "okay now this is werid. Both of you woke up like that.... Somethings... Happened... Maybe.... Maybe they're not so bad?"

Sonic: "exactly!"

Izuku approached Sonic and Goku. Holding out his hands.

Izuku: "My name is Izuku Midoriya! My friends call me deku."

Eventually the class started to calm down and introduce themselves. Except for bakugo. He was pissy.

Sonic: "So Goku. You also woke up in some crater?"

Goku: "yep!"

Sonic: "What planet are you from?"

Goku: "well i was born on Planet Vegeta but I'm from earth. What about you?"

Sonic: "Mobius. You uh. Ever seen anything like this place before?"

Goku: "nope. Never heard of it"

Sonic: "hm..... Okay.... Okay i got an idea... Now its pretty crazy but just listen-"

Goku: "you think we're from alternative universes?"

Izuku: "wait wha-"

Sonic: "yeah how did you guess?"

Bakugo: "did you just say alternative uni-"

Goku: "I've had some alternative universe shenanigans myself he he he!"

Sonic: "same here!"

Goku and Sonic seemed to be getting along jusr fine. Infact they already seemed like good friends.

Izuku: "wait wait wait... Alternative universes?!! Those exist!?!?"

Sonic: "of course! You didn't know that?"

Iida: "well if its true... Then our universe must be a lot less advanced than yours!"

The class all seemed shocked. Alternative universes? How can that even be real?!

Mineta: "well if theres alternative universes... Does that mean there's one we're i get all the girls?"

Goku: "i... Don't like that one"

Jirou: "yeah, no one does"

Mina: "doesn't Denki kinda like him?"

Mineta: "Yeah Denki is my friend!"

Denki: "only because i get paid to"

Mineta: "what?"

Denki: "what"

Sonic: "you're a crazy bunch huh?"

Izuku: "heh. Yeah i guess"

Uraraka: "wait. So you're a hedgehog huh? Are you like Tokoyami?"

Sonic: "hm? That bird guy?"

Uraraka: "yeah!"

Sonic: "Nope. The only similar things i can see is that we both talk and are/look like animals"

Denki: "if you're an animal. Does that mean Koda could control you? Thats his power after all!"

Sonic: "i doubt it. But why not. Try it"

Koda then attempted to control Sonic with his quirk. But to no Avail

With Goku.

Izuku: "So Whats with the getup?"

Goku: "you mean my GI?"

Kirishima: "yeah! You some sort of Fighter or something?"

Goku: "this is Turtle School uniform! Its what i wear mostly as I'm always training and fighting! I guess thats just what happens as a martial artist"

Kirishima: "Woah! You're a Martial Artist? Thats awesome dude! So manly"

Sonic and Goku mingle with the class for a while longer. They all seem to get along. Very Well.

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