Chapter 1 - In the begining...

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In the beginning there were five families.

Luckias, Damaris, Rainar, Blackrose, and Anastas.

All of them special on their own.
Luckias - the witches
Damaris - the demons
Rainer - the werewolves
Blackrose - the vampires

And Anastas - the hybrids

For centuries they've fought each other for power, territory, and dominance, to be the only ruler above all supernatural creatures.

Many years after, Luckias, Damaris, Rainar, and Blackrose, made a pact, a perfect deal that will end the wars, a deal promising a future in peace.

The hybrid creatures were always a problem, one person walking the earth with so much power.

So there was only one aim they had to accomplish, kill every member and relative to the Anastas family, so that hybrid creatures will forever be vanquished.

The four of them united and started making plans about what shell they do knowing that every little mistake could result with big fall.

To ease their job and increase their chances for win, four of them had "made a peace" with Anastas. They have demanded that in every next generation, in a period of one hundred years, there will be only one heir born, regardless of whether male or female.

So after negotiations, their plan has succeeded.

For centuries the families didn't fight but either love each other. They adhered to the rule so that each succeeding generation had only one heir.

And so time has passed.

After three generations, after the four families were sure they had enough power to destroy the Anastas family, they've attacked.

Many died, and many were injured but in the end, they still managed to kill ALL of them.

Killing the last heir, a helpless baby who did nothing wrong, dying with pure soul and heart after Blackrose cut his young delicate neck with a small sharp knife, sliding across its skin smoothly and unmercifully.

With that, wiping off a whole bloodline of powerful and great supernaturals. Never to be seen again.


Picking up my coat I left the classroom and headed to my office. I opened the door and walked up to my desk.

I hate telling stories who are full with lies. A history based on empty words that people once have spoken.

I raised my head a bit when I heard a knocking on the door. The lever turned and the door slowly started opening revealing someone who made my mouth edges slightly curl.

As usual, he came in, looking at me with a pair of black obsidian eyes and smirking with his devilish smile.

He sat on my black leather couch, making himself comfortable, leaning back and crossing his legs.

"How are you today.." His gaze switched from my eyes to the desk. "Principle Anderson?"

Deep breath escaped my mouth.

"Just get to the point." I said looking awfully exhausted.

"Would it kill you if you smile for a second?"

"Jace darling... " I face him with a smile that is slowly disappearing from my face, placing my elbows on the table and interviewing my fingers. "I will choose my next words very carefully..."

Jace's smile was replaced with a thin line, his eyebrows raised making a questioning face.

"Jezz, someone is very bitchy today.."

He got up and walked towards my desk. Standing in front of me, hands in his pockets while he looked down, directly into my eyes.

"Your words don't have the same effect on me as they do on others, you know?"

"I bet my actions will effect you." I replied, eyeing him dangerously.

"Who else would care to brighten your day other than me." His voice deep, smiling at the end of the sentence.

"I bring lovely news." He turned around and walked to the small bar in my office. He put two ice cubes in two glasses and then pour whiskey into them

"Next Friday night the vampires will be present at the club..." I got up and headed towards him, taking one of the glasses.

"And?" I asked taking a sip.

"They will be celebrating the arrival of their boss." He announced while shaking his glass, the ice cubes making loud noises hitting the sides.

"So our bird is finally returning home?"

"It was about time..." A smile was raising on my face.

We toasted, both quickly finishing our drinks, looking at each other with joy.

The Time is slowly approaching to put an end to my pain.

So many years spent on planning, so much time lost, and finally a chance to kill the monster who left me without one good day and one good night sleep.

I have promised that one day when the time would come, I'll revenge my blood, for the injustice that many have done to them.

I promise you, my dear family, they will pay for every last tear of yours, for every painful moment you must have lived through.

They really don't know, what evil they have created the day they thought were killing the evil itself.


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