Chapter 6 - Should I?

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Amalia's POW

Darkness was everywhere, I was on my bed floating in my own blood.

Two holes were on each side of my shoulders, two open wounds and blood that is constantly flowing out from them. I quickly stood up but failed holding my balance and fell on my knees.

The pain was so unbearable that screams were starting to crawl their way out. I didn't even make a sound, not wanting to disturb anyone, it's not the first time I've dealt with it alone. I was trying to stay calm as much as possible, and give time for the wounds to heal but for some reason they didn't.

I laid down and began crawling myself until I reached the door of the toilet. Pushing it open, I crawled myself in and opened the cabinet where I keep the first aid.

The more blood I lose, the weaker and weaker I become so I must stop the bleeding. Opening the box, I took out two band-aids, painkillers and a pack of cotton. I put the cotton packet in my mouth and with the only remaining strength I had I summoned a fire and directed it at my wounds.

The pain I felt brought me back to the past, to that peaceful forest, to that dark place...

Closing the wounds with the band-aids, I somehow managed to get up on my feet. I took a few pain killers and headed to the closet to get dressed.

The band-aids turned red in a matter of seconds. The wounds refused to heal and the tissue was breaking apart again. I quickly put some clothes on and started thinking what to do because if this doesn't stop I'll probably fall unconscious. I ran to my mini blood fridge and took some blood bags to replace the one I'm losing.

I closed my eyes and started emptying the bag but when I opened them, I was standing on a long cold road and in front of, a big dark building, no windows and lights.

My body started to heal but not all the way. Some strange voices were telling me to go inside and they, like some force were pushing me to the building. My wounds started healing with every step I was closer to the building.

I opened the door and all I could see were stairs who clearly were leading somewhere down. I walked down through them, only to see a door with a dead plant next to.

I was ready to go back but I'll be damned if I don't look at what hides behind.

I walked to the door and slowly twisted the handle. I open it only to see an old picture from my past.

Ten witches, dressed in purple coats with a hat over their heads, all together pronouncing spells to hurt the chained man in the middle, the biggest one from many enemies of mine, Hayes f~ Blackrose.

Purple coats...


"You are a little restless girl, aren't you"

"Believe me, honey, I will fix your behavior in no time, it's not like we don't have eternity together." Big smile, thinking so proudly of himself.

"Okay let's see.." Turning his back and walking to the table.

"Ahh yes.... Today for breakfast we have a special medicine, the best from the best."

"Don't worry, you do know that it's hurts some time, but this one, I assure you, will pass by lunch."

— Over —

Rage building up inside my body, even when it should give me pleasure that they are killing by any mean my enemy. Maybe my past has an influence in this but one way or another, I was sure ready to root out everyone's heart in this room.

Even if I could stop myself right now, I wouldn't, because I'll be the only one who'll have the blood of Hayes Blackrose on my hands.

Four of them turned their faces to me and started making a spell clearly to put me down.

"To weak." I said while slowly approaching the one on my left.

They've realized that they can't stop me just like that and channeled the other ones to help them.

"Uuu better...." I felt their power like waves going through my body. I was standing in front a blonde one, directly looking into her big black eyes. I lifted my hand up to her neck and shred my claws.

"But not enough." I drove my finger nail into her long neck sliding across as I am walking around in the circle, doing the same with every single one of them. Their blood, like a waterfall, was splashing on me and all over the place.

When I got myself in front of the last one, young girl, shaking because of the things she saw a moment ago, I thought that she will maybe enlighten me about the lovely act they wanted to accomplish.

"Dear, would you tell me, why have you done this?" I asked with calm voice, removing her hat and lightly brushing her hair with my bloody hand.

"" she barely spoke two words, but enough for me to connect the dots. I didn't know exactly why but I surely know that I can't get more from this young traumatized child.

I turned around to test the braveness of her and if she's worthy of my mercy. But as a though, she started running for her life as soon as she had the chance.

"Pity" One last look at her before I snapped her neck, her body falling down and fairly joining her sisters. I don't want any bad dreams of them coming to me and asking why did I separate them. Huh...

My wounds were almost healed and surprisingly his too. It was like we were connected together, what were they doing on his body also manifested on mine. But why?

I knelled down just looking at his unconscious body. His head was down and his breathing
barely noticeable. I lifted his head a little, two bloody tears, from both sides, running down his cheeks.

This is my first time looking at him so closely, his full lips turning a little pale color, very prominent and strong face bone structure, long eyelashes that goes perfectly with his almond eyes.

His head is so peacefully resting in my hand, that it almost gives me comfort looking at him. My eyes traveled through his torso, his shirt was completely torn apart showing his strong, toned muscular body. Looking up, the same big holes were visible on each side of his shoulders. Dark blood flowing out from them and down all over his body.

And my big dilemma, should I put and end to my misery right here and right now? Should I kill the beast who is terrorizing my dreams every night? Should I do it?

I was ready to, but then his sharp eyebrows began to slowly rise, accompanied by his eyelids, revealing a story well known to me. Red and black mixed together, making another failure of the nature.

"You are hybrid." But how?

It seems like there will always be something to pull me back from my intentions. Not expecting, I got an answer to my question.


Where is the fun showing power to a nearly dead corpse. Curiosity will have the best of me, but so be it. I will give you a chance for a dignified death Blackrose, but for exchange I want answers. You and I will have a lot to chit-chat about.

What, The F~, Are You?


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