Chapter 5 - I hope I'll see you again

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Hayes POV

Her body rubbing against mine, causing many parts of my body to beg to taste every last bit of hers.

Her round and soft ass, playing dangerous games, pressed hard to my hips. With her in my hands, I couldn't hide the fact that all I could think of is her in my bed exploring every inch of the beauty, god has created.

Leaning forward, I got to smell her strawberry and vanilla white hair that drove my thoughts even wilder.

Her hands playing with my hair and then going down, catching my palms and placing them on her hips as she swings faster and pushed harder.

Oh my lord, she pretty well knows what is she doing. I pushed my head back, my eyes closed while deep breaths escape my body.

She bumped her head on my chest and slightly turned her head aside. Beautiful cherry colored full lips, sharp jaw and the most beautiful light blue eyes anyone could loose into.

Beauty is a short-lived tyranny - Socrates

Someone else's touch pulled me back to reality.

"Boss, we have a problem." Five hours here and already my life is back to normal.


"One of the girls who was today, unfortunately, killed by your father, was a relative to the Luckias coven." And there goes my headache.

"Hala Luckias's cousin" No way in hell that from seven billion people on this planet, you can't be that f~ lucky to kill the relative of the most powerful witch family.

"We leave now, tell everyone to come back home, Immediately!"

"Yes boss" Before he walks away I grab him by his shirt, pulling him closer!

"If anything happens, you know what to do with Reyna" Letting him, he nods and I turned to get one last look.

"I hope I'll see you again princesa..."


"How can you be that dump and careless to not even think about what are you getting yourself into." I slammed my fist on the table and burst into anger.

"Watch how you speak to me, boy" He stood up throwing the chair behind, meeting my furious gaze.

The courage this man has...

I fast walked closer, grabbing him by the neck and slamming his old body into the wall.

"You lost the right to tell me what to do AGES AGO!!!" Eyes full with fear watching me but not a single one making a move.

"You did big shit and you still have courage to talk?!!" My hand getting tighter around his neck.

"This time you cross the line, you old sock of bones"

At this state, I don't know what would've I done to him if the knock on the door didn't interrupt me.

I pulled him off the wall and threw him on the ground.

"Get him out of here before I took his miserable life." The guards nod, grabbed him, and dragged his body out of the room.

Then Hunter entered with not so happy face. He walked to me and handed me a phone who was still in call. There wasn't a name, just number not familiar to me. I took the phone and looked at Hunter.


"Hello, Blackrose" a female voice from the other side.

"I think he have unfinished business..."


I got on the address that she gave me. A big building with no windows. From outside one story, from the inside another. A big room who was connected with a long hall, a lot of doors and light all over it. In the middle of the room there were stairs who lead downstairs.

I walked down the stairs. Looking around there wasn't much to be seen, only a door and a half dead plant. As I made my first step towards the door, the lights went off and before I got the chance to react, hard object met my head making me fall down on my knees.

"Love the fact that you are a man of word."


Amalia POV

I woke up feeling pain all over my body, especially my head. I've done a big mistake last night because of something I couldn't bear anymore. If it wasn't for Jace I would have probably drunk the whole bar, and loose myself to that point because of something that was simply not suppose to happen.

The fate is controlling me from the day I was born, but what's enough is enough. Today will be the last day of staying in the dark for two hundred years, for rebuilding and collecting what was ruined and broken for a long time.

No words anymore, only actions.


Hala, Ava, Liridon and Elias.

My children.

Maybe not by blood, but by everything else. Four powerful children that I saved. Maybe I couldn't beat my own fate but I saved them from theirs, who was preparing unspeakable things for them.


"Every one of you is special" We were at my underground gym, maybe more of an underground weapon storage gym but not so important right now.

"For years I have trained you to use weapons, to defend yourself the best you can, but today, expect of using them, you will become one" Looks from four pairs of eyes directly on me, full with fear and curiosity of what's hiding behind my words.

"You are gifted with power, and it's time for you to merge with her, to learn how to use it, to see what are your abilities and limits" I took out four necklaces, each of them holding a cristal. Red, white, purple and black. Each of them holding gift, power that I took from them fifty years ago years ago.

"Are you ready to become one again?"


Walking down to the gym, moments of the past corrupted me. Merging them with their power was like placing the last puzzle part, like completing a long started story. Giving them back what was theirs and watching how they grow in what they had to, from the very beginning.

Taking their powers was a necessary step. They had to learn to protect themselves even without the gift they were given, learn that power is the thing that can turn you into the most dangerous weapon, a weapon that can take many innocent lives but also save many ones if is used properly.

I took it to teach them that power is not what will make them stronger, power is what destroys you, like it destroyed everything dear to me.

The day that you won't be blinded by the power you hold, will be the day when you will truly become the power itself.....

Meet my power

Hala, a werewolf, specialty: invisibility
Elias, a demon, specialty: demon curse
Ava, a witch, specialty: mind control
Liridon, a vampire, specialty: weapon technique


It was evening. The pain was still torturing me so after the training I went to take a hot shower in hope that it will finally go away.

Strangely, this never happened before, not from drinking at least.

I got out from the shower and wrapped myself with a towel. For the first time in many years I felt weak and tired and I couldn't explain why. Walking into my room I just jumped on my bed, it's sheets hugging my body and my wet hair spreading everywhere. I closed my eyes, not being able to hold them anymore. And like that darkness consumed me, but the pain still didn't go away.


"Help him"

"Help him!"

"Help him!!!!"

"HELP HIM!!!!!"



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