Chapter 7 - Miracle

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Hena's POW

A few hours ago, they informed me that Blackrose, somehow managed to escape. That wasn't so strange to me but the fact that he managed to kill ten of my high trained witches? Yes, maybe they were young, but surely enough powerful for one vampire.

I was walking around the room, my head crowded with thoughts, when a light knocking brought me back to reality.

"Boss we have the results" The moment when his words entered my ears, I got up and flashed down to the laboratory

"Ou, Hena believe me, you are going to be shocked.." Gala, my scientist, spoke up and invited me in.

"So what did you find" I walked inside and set on a chair.

"So first of, someone did help Blackrose" Yeah that was obvious.

"Ok so well, after whole day of examining this damn blood, believe or not, the test showed that this tiny drop of blood contains four parts each from different species" I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Crazy right"

"Imagine if I combined twenty five percent of each species blood, but actually making it work. One DNA carrying all that features without braking down..."

"So I made a theory" Gala turned around and pulled a big white board from behind.

"The first one is that whoever helped Blackrose, was more that one. So we end up with four different supernaturals, each of them from its own specie" She drew a square and on each angle wrote one of the species. In the middle, she wrote Blackrose, and then drew four lines connecting every angle with the middle.

"But again, why would four different breeds want to help the leader of the vampires? I understand for the vampire one, but the witch, werewolf and demon? In a same squad?" She shaked her head and then started erasing the lines, only leaving the connection between Blackrose and the vampire. In the left corner of the board, she drew another square and inside she drew four drops of blood, coloring them deferentially so that each of them shows belonging to a different breed.

"But how big of a coincidence can be that at the Same place, Same little tiny spot, four different types of blood are combined?"

"And strangely enough we managed to take a blood sample from that same spot?"

She was right, that pretty impossible. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a bit.

This is bs~! There is no way that four supernaturals can just like that walk in, and kill ten powerful and skillful witches. And even if they were strong enough, how they found out where I held him so fast and what awaits them in there?

"So there goes my first theory falling in water." Gala grab a sponge and wiped out everything except the species names and the picture representing blood.

"And I do it again, I think, I write, I picture and thats when an impossible idea came up to my mind." As she speaks she drew something fast, but I couldn't see because she was hiding it with her body.

"I know this may sound crazy, but there is no other explanation." She stoped and slowly turned around, revealing her drawing.

"As Horrifying as it sounds, there is a person, male or female, walking among us, that is all combined together." Everything from the board was connected to the drawing in the middle who looked like a half wolf and half female vampire face brought together, both eyes glowing bright colors and under them, black veins spreading like a tree roots under the ground.

"So you are saying that..." I was caught by Gala's tapping on the board.

"A Witch,   a Werewolf,   a Demon,  a Vampire"

"A mother f~ Miracle"


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