Baby sitting - NOTTI

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Y/n POV-

Today I had to look after my little brother and my mom had asked if Notti could come too. "And ring Notti to come over, I'll be back tonight! Bye Y/n!" My mom last said and shut the door. I went to my little brothers room and sat on her bed, watching him play with his trucks and cars.

Later on I called Notti,



Notti, can you come over?

Yeah sure, why though?

I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me out with baby sitting my little brother but if not-

NO NO- no, I'll be there very soon

Bye ma


Damn, he really declined on me. Meh no matter.

Not long after, Notti arrived and the whole afternoon we were playing games and listening to music, he even made a fort for all of us to hang out in.

"Whoaaa!! This is so coolll!!" My little brother said "I know, I'm so good at making forts" Notti said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes playfully. We all played hand games in there as well. So far so good.

Now it's lunch, me and Notti went to do the lunch for all of us. "Y'know your a really good sister" Notti mentioned "Thanks, not too bad yourself" I mentioned as well. "Pass me the bread, please" I asked "CATCH!" He yelled, throwing the loaf at me "HEY!" I yelled "Ahh.. well I guess Y/n here, can't chase me." He fake yawned "AY? I CAN" I yelled, starting to run after him.

I chased him from the kitchen to the lounge. To the lounge to upstairs. To upstairs to my little brothers room.


Time skip

Finally it was night time. Notti and I went to put my brother to sleep. He told me to leave him alone with him. Because it's a boy thing, pfft whatever.

Once he was done he came downstairs and we both watched the TV waiting for my mom to arrive.

WC - 343

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