Sleep time - DDOT

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Y/n POV-

It was a boring day. Nothing exciting happened so here I am. At my boyfriend house. I had asked him if I could come and we could watch a movie when I came, he accepted it but he's on the damn game. "Ddott.. you said we could watch a movie!" I whined, I'm not a whiney person but once it comes to something I need I get whiney (that's what you call a brat) "Yeah yeah! After this game.. just a few minutes and we can watch what you wanna watch.." Ddot replied as he got carried away by the coloured screen. This is so boringggg I thought. I got up and left to the kitchen where I unexpectedly found Dd.

"Hey D" I said as I walked to the fringe, getting a sprite. He looked back at me, saying "Oh hey Y/n/n" (Your nickname). "watchu doin'?" He asked getting up from the seat "Just drinkin' as you can see" I said sarcastically, holding up my can of sprite "Cool cool, I thought you came to hang with Ddot?" He asked confused "Yeahh" I laughed awkwardly "So?" "Soo.. he busy. Playing games n shit so I got bored and found you" I said "Well dang. Wish you luck, ima head home- night" He said as he side hugged me and left for the door.

I went back upstairs, opening the door to ddots room and seeing him in bed. As soon as I shut the door his head whipped up "Y/n?" He said "Yeah?" I asked confused "Where were you?" He asked, getting up from the blankets "Bored. Went to get a drink. Talked with Dd and yeah" I explained quickly not wanting to explain in so much detail "Why'd you leave, love?" He asked. Once again. "Because you were on the game." I answered "Sorry Ma. I wont play. Wanna watch that movie youve been dying to see?" He said "Nah" I declined "What? Why not?" He looked confused "I'm tired" he laughed. "Let's get to sleep then"

We both got in bed, I slept on my right side while Ddot snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I turned around and started to cuddle with him.

"Night Ma. I love you."
"Night Ddot. I love you more."
"I love you most."



WC - 393

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