Chapter 20: Provisional License Exam

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The trainingcame and went and the classes of UA were already on their way totheir Provisional License Exam. On the way, he played around withBlack Whip, a quirk he unlocked just two days ago. Kirishima andTokoyami had a hard time fighting against that one. While he is happyto have unlocked Black Whip, he would really love to access hisgrandmother's quirk, Float. Partly due to it being her quirk, partlybecause he just want to be more mobile... albeit, Black Whip doeshelp with that, too.

Arriving atthe exam building, he made sure he is loaded on marbles and threatsto swing around. His hero costume, while still resembling Kaminari'sand Kyoka's, their costumes are made by the same company after all,it changed a lot. Not only did he add the hook holsters, marbleshooting gloves and pouches for the marbles, he added metal caps tothe shoes and replaced the green details with dark purple. Not red,this would make look him too similar to Tomura for his liking.

At the exambuilding, they saw many students from other schools. Includingstudents from the hero course of Tanjiro's school. They were sooninstructed what the task is. Essentially the exam is a battle royal,each school against each other. They are given some device that isstuck onto their bodies and suit. If hit with balls, they are out. Inaddition to that, there will be actors pretending to be civiliansthat need to be rescued hidden in the area.

Theirteachers are always watching. So are the officials of the HeroPublic Safety Commission, the HPSC. While preparing for the exam,they met some students of the other schools. Two of them beingIntelli Seiko, who said she'll crack their tactic like a code andUtsushimi Camie, who was just very odd. And unlike the otherstudents, not rude to Izuku's class.

Doesn'tchange that she was weird as it gets. Intelli on the other hand, shewas rude. But a specific kind of rude. Izuku is convinced she has anintelligence quirk. She has the aura of a person with such a quirk.

One of thechildren in Mrs. Shiota's orphanage had such quirk. He was alwaysacting as if he was superior to everyone else. He was probably lesserliked than Izuku. He always assumed he would be adopted out soon, ashe had such a great quirk. He ended up aging out of the orphanage.

People withIntelligence quirks have a certain type of arrogance and rudeness,both Intelli Seiko is reeking with.

At first,Izuku was surprised Momo hadn't developed such a reeking aura. Whileher quirk doesn't make her smarter, it requires brain power, whichMomo proved she possesses.

Izuku,Hitoshi, Momo and Kyoka stayed close together. They will act as ateam, even more so than the class as a whole. Partly because some,namely Todoroki and Bakugou, split from the class as soon as the examstarted. They made their way to the middle, where the 'civilians'were.

Consideringit is a well known fact that all the other schools focus at the UAStudents, it didn't take long for their class mate Ashido Mina to beunder fire.

The pink girlwas difficult to not see, her very revealing and colorful costume nothelping. The crazy colored pattern really popped in the rocky field.But to be seen didn't bother Mina, even if it meant that doze ballswere thrown into her direction. It was as if she wanted them to seeher.

When theballs were close, the sprayed her spay around, making a veil of acid,which destroyed the balls.

Seeing this,he wondered if he could emulate it. He could, easily, maybe evenbetter, but should he copy Mina again? He needs to come up with hisown moves. He has multiple quirks, thus having lots of possibilities.But what is originality of use, when he is taken out? He spayed hisdecaying essence around his group, blocking balls.

"Dude, didyou copy Mina again?", asked Kyoka, slamming some girl from Seiaiwith her sound waves, before hitting her with one of the balls. OneSeiai student out.

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