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Gerta silently walked down the corridor trying not to break into a run. If anyone had seen her, they would probably have asked what she was doing here at such a late hour. But the staff has not yet returned to the residence, and the guards let the girl through without question.

Herta, the assistant keeper of the Anabel branch, looked about 20 years old and was a dragon. She had red hair, unnaturally yellow eyes. About a thousand years ago, Anabel saved Gert and gave her the opportunity to have a human body and made her her assistant. Then the guardian said, "Until my death, you will serve me and my state. From now on, it is your sacred duty, as soon as you disobey, you will lose your human body. Gert didn't care who she served, she didn't remember her past because of Ana's spell (that's what Gert called Anabel in private conversations), so life seemed like a job to her. But sometimes the keeper sent her on vacation around the world, but Herta was not particularly happy about it.

The girl stopped at the door, it was unlocked. Deciding that it was pointless to knock, Herta entered.

Everything was in the room as Anabel usually left it: the window was open, there was a creative mess on the table, a mirror half covered with some kind of cloth, cabinets with various books and artifacts.

Herta froze abruptly, most likely she was remembering the events that had happened earlier. The author should stop pulling and finally tell about them.

A few hours earlier

Today was a sad day, and when it was as if the weather itself was grieving. The fact is that today is the funeral of the current (or already past) keeper of the branch. According to legend, this guardian was the second. Once upon a time, when the first one died, the heavenly throne decided that Anabel had sufficient wisdom to keep the branch and rule people. This is the basis of this planet. In fact, it cannot exist without a guardian, although these are just guesses of people whose knowledge of the gods and the heavens is deplorable. But we will not depart from the topic.

Gerta walked along the sidewalk, trying not to cry.  The fact is that the girl was invited to the funeral of her dear friend and boss. It would seem that everything should go just fine, but the guards did not let Herta into the church, deciding that finding a dragon next to a large crowd of people from high society is unacceptable and dangerous. Moreover, it is not known when the magic of the guardian will subside and Gert will turn into a huge fire-breathing monster again.

Actually, it's hard to make our dragon cry, but because of the death of her friend and boss, the threat of dismissal and rapid infiltration, she completely went limp.

Soaked to the skin, Herta went under the awning to some coffee shop and ordered some cocktail (it did not occur to her to immediately find out whether it was alcoholic or not), sat and thought about life and the meaning of being. Carriages were passing outside the window, and Herta could not understand why people were assigned their century, but she was not. It's not fair! All people live for 80 years (some more), and she is forced to experience immortality not for herself. Suddenly the dragon remembered the dialogue with Belle. They were having tea in her office that day.
God, can't you make me mortal!?  The red-haired woman looked at Ana with annoyance
Gerta, you're already mortal. I just set up your approximate life expectancy so that you can live longer than an ordinary person. We have already discussed this many times.
It's still immortality.
It's not true, you can die of disease, hunger, violence, but immortals can't.
But then you're not immortal either.
I never said that. Please stop picking on words.
I'm not quibbling.
With Anabel, Herta has always had a trusting relationship. They could tell each other all their secrets. Anabel rarely talked to anyone, she thought out her projects all the time. No one, not even Gert, knew what these projects were. They were kept in Belle's notebook. Perhaps the reader will wonder why the dragon did not know about this, if it was previously said that they are in a trusting relationship. It's just that Ana didn't tell me, Gerta didn't ask.

When the cocktail was brought to the girl, she remembered the past for another minute. Finally remembering about the drink, Herta tasted it. It was vanilla, with some spices. Suddenly, the girl remembered how Anabel said, "If something bad happens in your life, drink tea and head straight to my office." Deciding that she couldn't disobey today, she left a few coins with tips on the table and ran to the keeper's residence. That's how she ended up there.

Hah, why am I standing around doing nothing, I should do something at least, - actually, Gerta never talked to herself, but now the case is special, - so, what do we have here?
With these words, Herta went to the shelf with artifacts and began to examine each one, it always helped her to calm down and at least do something.

Suddenly, her eyes came across the notebook and immediately remembered it. Anabel wrote down a certain "project" there. Without any remorse, Herta took the book and opened it to the first page.


Everything was plunged into darkness. Herta did not have time to get scared and panic, as a window appeared

"Welcome, before connecting to World No. 512, come up with a username and click on the "Connect" button"

What? - Herta looked at the window in fright, - Well, okay, the username is "Herta," with these words she clicked on "Connect".

Everything was plunged into darkness again, but suddenly the window appeared again

"You are successfully connected to World No. 512. Please choose a story."

"Story 1"

"History 2"

Well, well, well, cancel! - Herta looked around in confusion, hoping to find people in this strange space.

Suddenly a new window appeared

"Unknown command "Cancel". Please choose a story."

"Story 1"

"History 2"

Okay, story 2," Herta bit her lip until it bled.

Actually, she didn't know why she chose this particular story and was about to change her mind, but the window appeared again

"Story error 2, in order to complete Story 2, you need to complete story 1. Please select a story."

"Story 1"

"History 2"

Well, why offer two stories if you can only choose one, - Herta looked at the window in confusion, - well, okay, story 1, - a new window has appeared.

"An excellent choice. Thank you for using our service.


The download is complete!

Click on the "OK" button to enter the history."

Well, okay ... - Gerta realized that this is most likely an artificial reality in which you can go through various stories, something like books. Dragon pressed the OK button, but a new window did not appear, but everything was plunged into darkness again.


"You are successfully connected!"

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