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101. A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth

102. There are 1792 steps in the Eiffel Tower

103. Koalas never drink water

104. Elephants only sleep for 2 hours each day

105. There are 240 dots in the arcade game Pac-Man

106. King Louis XIX ruled France for 15 minutes

107. If a frog's mouth is held open for too long, it will suffocate

107. Ducks have 3 eyelids

108. Maine is the only state in the USA whose name is only 1 syllable

108. The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado

109. Carnivorous animals will not eat animals that has been struck by lightning

110. You are born with 300 bones, but by the time you are an adult, you only have 206 bones

Author's Note
Sorry for not updating. I have really busy! Later today I will hopefully update again! I have 6 days of school left then I will update all summer!

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