Birthdays aren't fun..💔🩷

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I just deleted my last one by accident 😭
I actually want to cry

Sorry for not uploading in a while.
There is really no excuse apart from lack of motivation.
I'm sorry if people have been waiting for me to do something.
I'm so sorry I should have done better to keep my motivation going.

🧡 is fluff

Jakes Pov

I rolled out of bed
I'm already in a bad mood it's the one day I hate the most out of 365
my birthday
. I hate it.
That was the one day in middle school I got bullied the most, and no, I don't mean getting slammed into lockers and being called a music freak or a music monster
I mean blood once someone broke my collar bone with my book. Yeah, lots of ptsd from that,
I now have a strong grip on things at school

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