Only Hanging Here 💔🩷

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I need a better name 😕

Drews Pov

Who is calling me at one o'clock at night? I swear if it's Zoey trying to get back with me, I will go straight to her house and KICK.HER.ASS.

She thinks she can just walk into my life and cheat on me, make me buy her things, and think I'm the crazy one for getting mad at her she's basically gass lighting me at this point

I will expose her on, let say Friday, she will be in the lunch hall bullying Elliott poor Elliott. I should invite him for a sleepover...

Anyway, I will rent a big TV and put all the pictures of Zoey and her multiple sugar daddy's on it, and she will be humiliated in front of the whole school. I'm so smart.

Oh yeah, the phone I forgot about that hehe.

"Who is this?"

"Hi, this is Sean. I know it's weird for me to call, but can you get the rest of your friends and tell them to go to Jakes house quickly.."

"Why did something happen? Is he hurt?"

Please say he isn't. I know Jake he does stupid things when he's upset. That's why he cut his hair he was crying, so what did he take a pair of scissors and cut his hair? I had to help him fix it.

He did an ok job for not being able to see why he was upset i will never know.

Anyway, I need to call Henry and Liam quickly before anything worse happens than a haircut.




"What it's like midnight, why are you calling me this early?"

Well, this will be shit Laim got woken up he's probably going to shout at Jake when we get there, depending on what he did.


"Hen, in the kindest way possible, shut up."


"We need to go to Jakes Lias. Brother called and said we needed to go."

"Can't I have one normal night? All these stories keep waking me up."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry."

"Ok, meet up outside, alright."



I hate people so much, yes, including myself.

On the walk, I decided to get some cookies for us they were out of cake, and the cake is Jakes comfort food.

It's has been since I met him Jakes favourite is chocolate. Henry's is butterscotch, and Liams is Red velvet, the best cake ever, in my opinion.

People say I'm to mean to care about them, but I care about what they're saying. I know I have cared for a long time. I've always been giving them things, and in return, they give me stuff like hand-made things they take classes for last year. Henry bought me a pottery bunny that's now on my window sill.

I'm approaching Jakes house, and I see an overly hyper Henry and a sleep deprived Liam he looked so annoyed like he was about to punch Henry Liam is a nice dude normally but if he's woken up you can literally die.

"Hey guys."


"Hey, Drew."

"Do you have any idea why we are here, or did he just tell you to be here?"

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