Musical Friends

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Jakes Pov

I'm still close friends with the Jomies and the music club, but I'm not going back to the club. I've decided to write a song and get Drew and the others to play instruments.

I was so shocked when I found out they could play. We have been bullying them for years, and now I find out they do the same thing as the club!

"Jakeyy, are you almost? I'm boredddd."

"Why don't you practice the piano, or you're vocals?"

"I've done that twenty thousand times already, and you're still not done!"

"Hey Jake! Are you still writing!?"


"It's been three days come on!"

"I'm almost done. I'm just back reading it.."

"You mean double-checking. You said that an hour ago!"

"Sorry, Drew, but I need to do this."

"Jakeyy, please, can we at least hear it?"

"Not until it's done."

I stared at one of my lines, nah, that sounds weird, especially with the instruments I worked on the aswell as the lyrics music, by the way!

"Why did you delete it? That was good!"


"It wouldn't be good with the sound of the interments, though.

"Do I really need to sing in front of that many people?"

"Bud, we're all doing it, so yes."

I glared at Drew.

Then, I looked at a scared Henry.

"Of course not if you ever feel uncomfortable singing. I will be their to step in. We're in this together ,Hen."

"Thank you."

He gave he a hug.

"Come on, I've got to finish this practice. You're vocals with Drew. We need all the practice we can get the competition's in a week."

"A WEEK!?"




"Come on, Drew, we need to practice quickly. Go get Liam, please."



That means he's coming in two to five minutes.

Back to my song that could need replacing, and that could be less cringy. There isn't anything left for me to do!

I walked into the living room and opened the door .The funny thing about this door is when I was young, my stupid self didn't want to go to school, so what did I do? Hit my head hardly on the door. I got rushed to the hospital. There's still a red stain on the door.

What was I forgetting? Oh yeah, the story!

"Hey, guess who finished the song?"


"Do you want a page of the lyrics?"

"What a stupid question Ofcorse I do!"

"Let's see this."

"Ok, I see why you took a long time on this it's the best song I've ever read."



The other two agreed.

"Do you want to practice?"


Liam grabbed his drums. Drew got his paino and Henry got out his guitar.

"3 2 1 go!"

Fight song, Jkjk

'I still remember 3rd of December me and you're sweater'

'You said it looked better on me than it did you'

'Only if you knew how much I liked you'

I'm going to stop bc I'll be here all day.

After practice



"I can agree, but I might have to change a few words."

"Nope, we're leaving now."




"Come and find out."

Should I... What's the worst that could happen?

I went downstairs and put on my shoes.

"Finally, you leave your room. If you weren't my brother, I would say you're very uncool."

"Shut up, Milo."

I shut the door on his face.

"Why can't you just get along? You guys are family."


"Whatever, you'll miss him when you move out."

Laim is right even if I want to deny it.

"See you love him."

"Whatever, Hen."

At the park

"Why are we here?"

"Because we are going to meet up with the music freaks or, as you say, it club to get ice cream before the competition were going to try to become friends with them for you Jakey!!"








"Meanie, we haven't seen each other in forever."

"We just had school three days ago."

"Yeah, THREE days ago too long."

"Plus, you can't stay away from your lovey-dovey Luke bear for more the a day!"

"T-thats different, we were best friends before we started dating!"

"Yeah, but you are obsessed with him.."

"No, im not."








The jomies and the club were now non-stop giggling at the sight of Milly's scared face and Zander's angry/flustered one.

"Not going to lie, Jake, you freak friends are kind of cool."




After he left, Hailey's came up to me.

"Not going to lie Jake you're jerk friends are kind of nice in a weird way."


I was actually surprised.



Sorry, this was short. I have been listening to music for days, and I skipped the whole day of school with three of my friends, so I'm in a happy mood!

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