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It didn't work.

I texted my friend a note, and they called my step-mum, who came upstairs after the call and spoke to me, she mostly told me if I did it for anyone's attention aka hers or the friend I spoke to bc she didn't know I took the pills.

I told her I didn't take anything and just kinda was answering yes or no.

She let me call my friend for 30 minutes and I cried tell her about it and I was ok, I talked to a sixth-former at school about it and the friend in my year.

My friend hugged me and spoke more about it to me and made me drink lots of water.

If I'm being 100% honest, I don't regret taking them. I just regret not taking more. Yet I know that is a mindset I should change and see how this wasn't the most healthy response to a build-up. I panicked a lot of people online, in older years of school, my friends, myself, and I think my parents.

I still feel sick, and idk if my liver is OK or not, but I'm not going to try it again.

I can't help but feel I fucked everything up and now it's going to be so out of pace to what I know and kinda loved.

I feel sick, tired, and sorry for the ones who loved me, and I hurt to the point my friends mum called my step-mum.

But also, thank u for caring for me. I couldn't ask for more loving people to be friends with, and know that if u ever feel like this, I'm here to listen to you. I know Wattpad has no private chats now, but I could give my number or roblox something like that.

Your comments made me almost cry. Even though you never met me, you still care, and that made me so happy. I have never loved strangers more, and I'm so happy I met you all.

Love ya 🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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