Thunder Storms ⛈️

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Do you think that kind of video would be in Jakes dream when it's thunder storming

Henry's Pov

I'm so excited I'm finally ungrounded. All I did was try and see if I could use my little cousin as a mistletoe.It was my fault he fell on his face!

Now I get to hag out with the rest of the Jomies, but only if Jake isn't doing anything if he is. I'm going straight home it isn't dun without him..

"Hey guys, hey Jakey!"

"Hey Henry, finally ungrounded?"


"What did you even do?"

"Well, Drew, I used my cousin as a mistletoe, and he fell on his face.."

"Hen! That is unsafe he could have died!"

"Chill Jakey, he's fine. Well, he broke his arm somehow.."



"You're an idiot Henry."

Why is Drew always so mean to me? I didn't do anything to him..yet..

"Drew, don't be mean."

At least Jakey's on my side.

"Yeah, DrEw, don't be mean to me!"

"Stfu, you stupid lettuce brain!"



"Both of you hug it out now!"

"No thanks."

"Yeah, I agree with Drew for once."

Help, I'm scared we made Jakey mad he's glaring at us!

"Ha, you're done now."

"Shut up, Laim, it isn't helping!"

Laim is just drinking, Dr. Pepper, while we are about to die! Wow, some friend!

"That wasn't a question..."

Helpppppp, he's scary. I don't wanna hug Drew, but I don't wanna die!


I turned to Drew and hugged him. I felt two warm hands lightly touch my back. I cringed at this.

"Aww, look at Drew and Henry besties for life!"

Can Stacey shut her dumbass mouth for a minute. I can hear her giggles from here.

I let go of Drew. I feel like throwing up. I hate this dude so much, but I love him more than life in a friend's way, of course.

A grin covered Jakeys face mood swings much. Does this man need a pad?

Author note-that was a joke btw please don't get offended!

"Mood swings.."

"Shut up, Liam.."

Jake glared at Liam, still wearing that big smile.

"Anyway, since Henry is ungrounded, does anyone want to have a sleepover?

"That sounds fun."

"Jake? Henry?"

"I'm not going out with the music club, so yeah, I can come!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Great, you can come over after school!"

Finally, Jakeys is going out with us. This is so exciting !

"Let's go to History now!"

We all know he's joking. We never go to History on a Monday morning. That's when the teacher is Miss Kyle she doesn't know how to take the resister, so we just skip she doesn't know we are in her class.

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