Chapter 2: First Taste

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As Sasuke crossed the threshold into the house, a bottle of wine cradled in his arms, his eyes met Hiashi's wide smile, which conveyed genuine warmth.

"Ah, Sasuke! It's a pleasure to see you, my son!" Hiashi exclaimed, extending his arm to wrap it around Sasuke's shoulder and giving it a friendly pat.

Sasuke stood there, his lips curling up ever so slightly, finding comfort in seeing Hiashi in this lighthearted state rather than his usual stern demeanor.

"Thank you for the invitation," Sasuke responded, appreciating the gesture. Hiashi released his grip, leading the way towards the inviting dining room. As they walked, Hiashi attempted to strike up a conversation, inquiring about Sasuke's work. A weary sigh escaped Sasuke's lips as he replied, "the usual, Mr. Hyuga." His voice reflected the exhaustion he felt from his professional endeavors.

Hiashi turned his gaze back to Sasuke as they reached the dining table. Taking his seat at the end of the table, he gestured for Sasuke to sit next to him, his eyes shining with a glimmer of hope. "Please, Sasuke, I thought we've moved past the need for such formalities; call me father. You are practically my family," Hiashi requested, his desire for a closer bond evident in his words.

Sasuke hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with a mix of emotions. The thought of calling Hiashi "father" felt too personal, too intimate, and it didn't come naturally to him. He had never even referred to his own father that way. Nevertheless, Sasuke decided to give it a try, to bridge the gap that separated them. With a slight nod, he respectfully replied, "I appreciate that, father." As the word escaped his lips, Sasuke couldn't help but curse himself for stuttering.

Just as the tension between them lingered, the dining room door swung open, revealing Hinata and Hanabi gracefully entering. Their arms cradled trays of delectable, steaming food. Hinata's gentle smile radiates warmth, bringing a sense of calmness to the atmosphere. With careful precision, she placed the trays onto the table, the enticing aroma filling the air.

"I never thought you'd actually show up," Hinata teased, to which Sasuke shot her a small glare.

"I said I would," he retorted.

Hinata shrugged, replying, "how was I supposed to know? You often say you'll come and then cancel at the last minute."

Sasuke scoffed, trying to prove his point, "I don't."

Hanabi hummed before interrupting their conversation, "Actually, you do that sometimes..." She looked away as Sasuke glared at her.

Hiashi couldn't help but laugh, "Hanabi, Hinata, give him a break. He's been working hard."

Sasuke gestured towards Hiashi while looking at Hinata. "See? He understands."

Hinata stuck her tongue out at him, prompting Sasuke to playfully grab it with his chopsticks.

"You always find a way to tease me, don't you?" Sasuke remarked with a smirk, releasing Hinata's tongue from his grasp.

Hinata giggled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It's just too much fun," she replied, her voice filled with playful affection.

Hanabi rolled her eyes, clearly used to their antics.

As they enjoyed their meal together, the tension eased, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Hiashi looked at the group, his gaze filled with pride. "You both have come a long way," he said, a touch of nostalgia in his voice. "I remember when you were just children, and now you've grown into remarkable individuals."

Sasuke and Hinata locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mixture of familiarity and playful banter. With a confident smirk, Sasuke couldn't resist a moment to boast. "You know, Hinata, if it weren't for my guidance, you'd probably still be the same weakling you used to be. Consider yourself blessed by my influence," he declared, a touch of cockiness lacing his words.

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